gomen gomen

Nov 18, 2004 01:28

Look at the time, it has been quite a while has it not, well fear not huddled masses Sanjiro-kun shall save you all*woosh*....ano .. yeah so i am bored, in the news my comp got totally screwed by this bitch who was trying to get me to sell it to her and make her a flash website for crap, and by crap i mean crap (20$ for an all flash site), after trying to use my ultimate comp skillz i have failed, i even went into the bios to see if i could change some shit around and the best i could do was make it so i could run some programs, my comp is now prone to freezing i have the lag in the world, and i get this damn prompt whenever i want to "run as" it is really annoying, i have spent the better half of 2 weeks trying to backup what i could, but alas my anime is dead*sobs openly*. Thanks to the dilagence of Ashton, my love, i have gotten some real head way, i am allmost done and then i will *struggles to say the words* "reeeeforrrmmmmaa...." i cant say it, well you guys know what i mean, i have to wipe it clean, but the cool thing is i will once again be a shinning ray of hope to you all*laughs hystaricly*, in other news, my site should be up by the start of next year, so if you guys need costumes let me know i give great prices to my friends ^_~. also as a minor side note my B-Day is next week friday, the big 22, and as you all know i expect nothing from any of you seeing as you are all my friends, but i had an intiresting idea, seeing as most of you will see fit to get me some form of a gift i was thinking of putting together a fund so that i could get an external hard drive so as to not have the misstakes of old come back and bite me in the ass again*my butt still hurts from the last time* if any of you would be intirested please call me at my new phone number here in redondo beach (310) 798-7295 between 10AM~10PM ok =^_^=. hmmm what else is there to say.....oh i still have no job >_<; but thanks to the benevolence of the all mighty*angels sing song* Sterns i have a roof over my head and food in my belly, btw i have lost a ton of pounds, i am allmost at my japan size*cringes alittle* i liked being big, well thouse times have gone, now is the time for the new slim sanjiro, not the old tubby chris <------ that man officially died aug 10,2004, that man no longer exests*exept to the state* =^_^= only sanjiro morigami stands in his place, *fanfair plays* allso i am slowly beating this deppression, it is hard but thanks to the help of my friends and my loving and so kawaii girl ashton, i know i can get pass all of the wounds that *evil music* TAMIE *lightning strike* did to me, they will heal, and slowly the scars will fade, but they will allways be with me, nomatter how hard i try, she was christopher's mom, but she means nothing to sanjiro, see the correlation, new name, new life, and new family. Well as i close out this entry i want you all to know that my love extends to all of my friends, if it did not then why sometimes when you think you are alone sometimes you feel warm, or just happy for some unown reson, =^_^= well that is me just letting you know i will allways be with you even if we dont talk much or see eachother that offten, i am allways here for my friends, I love and cherish you all, Ja matta ne
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