Sep 12, 2008 22:11
After learning how the “big boy” parties of Canada present their policies, I gained a new level of respect and admiration for the Green Party. It takes courage and commitment to your principles to be able to spell out, in advance, all of your policies in writing. Apparently the “big boys” lack both, the exception being the Cretien Liberals in 1993. Before the corruption and cronyism set it.
I’m hoping these last few years have seen it purged. But we’ll see. I’m still skeptical.
So, to learn about one of the more prominent “Big Boys” I went directly to their electronic propaganda dispenser. No, I didn’t mean to say website. I don’t think politicians and political parties have websites. Just iGoodSpeak. According to the wikipedia article I read, most political parties don’t like to write their plans out and make it accessible to the public. They like to mention it in speeches, and to keep platform planks few and far between. I have spent the night raiding the Liberal Website to bring you my interpretation of the Liberal Party platform.
- Money for low income families (through refundable tax benefits).
This includes:
o A (universal) per child per year refundable tax
benefit of $350
o An additional $1225 for families with children under
o A low income employment tax benefit of $250
- Tax benefits for seniors and the disabled
- Business tax cuts (corporate tax rate cuts)
- The “Green Shift” Tax plan. The idea is that income and investment taxes will be reduced and that all companies who purchase fossil fuels for consumption will be taxed. This tax will undoubtedly therefore being passed onto consumers through means such as higher electricity and gas bills. Interesting to note is that gas prices for cars will not be affected. The “Green Shift” is the biggest plank in the Liberal platform. It is the one topic upon which they’re harping more than any other. I’ve seen in mentioned in Dion’s speeches as far back as I can dig them up.
- They promise to balance the budget and government spending
- They promise to “preserve jobs” and “invest in the economy” of Canada (and deeply oppose the Conservatives Laissez Fair style capitalism)
- $600 million earmarked for investments in green technology R&D and green capital construction
- Tax credits for environmental R&D
- Financial assistance for those willing to green retrofit their homes
- Future cap and trade program for the green shift
- A theme that keeps recurring in Dion’s speeches is that he “loves Canada” and campaigned tirelessly for the unity vote during the last referendum. Since it’s repeated so often, I thought it should be mentioned
- Afghanistan is not mentioned in any recent speech. However, based on what I’ve read in a 28 February 2008 Parliament Speech, the liberals want to change our role from combat to training, set a firm end date and start to focus on diplomacy and development
- A $1 Billion Advanced Manufacturing Prosperity Fund designed to attract heavy industry and R&D in Canada. To qualify for this a company has to be able to create jobs, support secondary industry and “help make Canada an industry leader”
- $3 Billion reserved for replacement and upgrades of infrastructure (can’t tell if this is just for Quebec or nation wide)
Dear Gods… These speeches all seem to echo each other. I’m beginning to think that I could write a Dion speech in my sleep. Flattery, flattery, compliment, bash Harper, Green Shift, leaders of tomorrow, tax benefits resulting from Green Shift, Bash Harper, compare Harper to Bush, compliment local crowd, campaigned for unity during Quebec referendum, loves Canada, rousing ending. (I suspect that I’ll find the same template type style in the speeches of the other leaders)
So, what do I think? It’s certainly more conventional thinking than the Greens, but that’s to be expected. On the whole, I think some Keynesian spending is just what the economy needs to get it back on track. The liberals certainly provide that with their AMP plan, their infrastructure plan, and the R&D benefits resulting from the Green Shift. They also have some corporate tax cuts which could further encourage businesses. They have one of the leading environmental plans out of all the parties (exception being the Greens). However, I’m still offended by an environmental tax which DOESN’T affect gas prices. People need to learn that a car is a tool with some heavy externalities attached, and not a right or a symbol of independence.
Basically, the Liberals seem to have a reasonable platform and a reasonable set of election promises. But, to tell you the truth, they didn’t offer me much to work with regarding their intent or overall philosophies. Maybe that’s on Dion’s personal site, which requires versions of Flash which can’t be installed on a company laptop. So, who are the liberals beyond these promises? I can not really say. Their main priorities seem to be to Green Shift, Balance Budget, Keynesian Kash infusions and tax cuts. So expect that, in addition to some left over cronyism and corruptions left over from the old gravy train days.
I suspect further research into these parties would have to involve the individual resolutions they’ve attempted to pass as a party. Not to mention the critiques of their opponents.