It was like “The Godfather.”
I woke up slowly, pushing the naked girl beside me for more covers. Eventually it was time to get up, so I reluctantly rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.
That’s when I realized I was wet. I threw the sheets off myself and saw I was covered in blood - from my chest to my dick. I started looking for some kind of mortal wound but couldn’t find anything.
So finally, I looked down at her and she was covered in it too. Then it dawned on me: menstrual blood.
I don’t remember if we were drunk the night before, but clearly there was some serious miscommunication. I mean, damn, scarred for life. Definitely not an experience I’d recommend.
So what’s a guy to do when his lady-friend is on the rag?
Unfortunately, there’s no perfect answer.
Many women report raised arousal levels during that time of the month. And under regular circumstances most guys will take anything they can get. So it practically rises to the level of Greek tragedy a bloody vagina keeps them apart.
You could always see if she’s down with anal. Since even some porn stars decline the deed, let’s assume she’s not. --
If It's that time of the month, go on vacation So, you'll happily deal with possible feces particles but not blood? Why's blood so much worse?
Disclaimer: To get it out of the way. It's certainly understandable to be freaked out when you wake up and find blood on you. It's everything else...that speaks to an issue. [And no, it wouldn't be cool to spring period sex on someone. But, like everything else in life, periods don't always come when they're planned for, so...]
Y'know, no one says you have to like period sex. No one says you have to even try it before you knock it.
But I think it speaks to a lot when men, especially men in relationships with women, can't seem to accept the fact that, hey, most women (moms, sisters, girlfriends, cousins, aunts, fuck buddies, whatever) tend to menstruate at some point in their lives.
[I recall guys that freak out if they handle a box of tampons or something. (Note: The tampon is not going to jump out of the box, attack you, and devour your gonads.)]
I think Jezebel puts it very nicely: [A]ccepting that the vagina is part of the female reproductive system and not just a sterile hole for your dick, is an important step toward becoming a man worthy of fucking. -
Why Men Should Learn to Like Period Sex (It's actually a good idea for everyone to get with.)
Of course, not everyone has to make with the period sex. Not every woman will like it. Nor every man. For some women it's uncomfortable/painful. For some people it's just too messy. For some it's "gross." Whatever.
If you can't ultimately accept it or be comfortable with it, that's fine and dandy. (I don't really buy into the idea that my period puts me in some mystical moon goddess state.)
But can we, at the very least, get past this juvenile "Oh, ew!" reaction stage?
I mean, really.
Back to the article in's not just the period aspect that bugs me, but the douchey wankery with which the author refers to women and frames sex/sexual pleasure (rather totally male centered).