This fascination with Rorschach...
It is definitely, largely,
Jackie Earle Haley's fault. Damn intriguing looking man. Had I read the GN first, I would have still been fascinated by the character (because you just get so much more intimate info through written word), but JEH is to blame for the brain-aesthetic-lust. Voice, movements, body language and facial expressions [when you see his face and those blue eyes]. Gah.
I want to give the character a bar of soap, access to a shower, and a great big hug and then beat him over the head with a baseball bat for being such a bigoted misogynistic douche. And then apologize to the human in him. And then applaud his bad-assery.
How I love conflicting emotions.
But, I've always been a big fan of anti-heros. Damaged characters (sometimes misunderstood, sometimes not) with empathetic/sympathetic back stories (so you hate them but you do get where they're coming from, though it's no excuse). Particularly when they're very intelligent and crafty. (Which is what I'm trying to do with my current NaNo Novel. Gabriel can be a bastard, but it's usually for a good cause...)
I'm certain I'd be called a liberal whore [that's Ms. Liberal Whore-Feminazi to you, bub] and have an unfortunate meeting with an elevator shaft if I were, in some strange dimension, to actually cross paths with this character... (Just like I would stand a very good chance of dying in a macabre fashion were I to cross paths with the Joker [TDK version or otherwise].)
Still. Intrigue.
Unbalanced (sociopathic) man-child in a world that's too big and too wide and far too subtle for him and his world view (sharp and discerning as it is).
My brain spins, goes "whee!"
Weird brain.
I need to get back to work.
And do some plot-outlining over lunch; have a conversation or two with my characters. It's been hard getting my word count in these past couple of nights...I've accomplished it, but just barely.
Yes, this was an incredibly random post.