Jan 19, 2007 16:27
Greek Dance
I had a blast last night. My friend Faith’s birthday was last week and she decided that it was time to have a celebration. So Faith, Brianna, Jaime, and Kayla and I all went out.
I picked Brianna up at her parent’s house around 5:30. We drove to a MAX station to ride the train downtown. The place we were going to was called The Rock Bottom Brewery, it is on Morrison and 2nd in Portland Oregon. I had my doubts going to a place with Brewery in the name…
So at the MAX station Brianna and I fought with the booth thingy that sells tickets. I didn’t have any cash on me, and haven’t usually had a problem before just using my debit card to buy a ticket. This time it decided it did not like my card or Brianna’s card saying “Cannot contact Bank”. It was very frustrating. So Bria decided that she would buy both of our tickets. She had a nice new crisp $20.00 bill. She only got one ticket and *inserts drum roll* NO CHANGE! So the damn machine ate $18.00 of Bria’s money. (The tickets for a 3 zone costing $2 a pop). Bria was not happy. Between the two of us we managed to scrape up enough change to buy a second ticket.
When we got to Portland we ended up getting off of the train one stop to late, as is usual with me and my luck. The walk to the Rock Bottom wasn’t that bad, it was cold but not that cold out.
The other girls were already there and had a table for us. For dinner I had this wonderful pasta dish with a walnut and pesto sauce and get this SHAVED CHICKEN. I never heard of such a thing. But that bald chicken on the pasta was wonderful along with the garlic hunk of bread. To drink I had water and a Black Opal (my favoritest mixed drink ever). I was nice and let Faith pop my cherry and I let Kayla have the stem to knot with her tongue.
Black Opal :
Gin 1oz.
Raspberry Liqueur 1oz.
Light Rum 1oz.
Gold Tequila 1oz.
Triple Sec 1oz.
Vodka 1oz..
7-Up 1oz.
Sour Mix 1oz.
Faith Bria and Kayla had burgers. Bria drank water (not much of a drinker), Kayla had rum and coke, Faith had rum and coke and an AMF (which stands for Adios Mother Fucker). Jaime had some sort of weird looking rice dish, which she said was spicy and I’m not certain what she had to drink as she was on the other end of the table.
The waiter was kinda cute but he could not stop staring at Faith’s breasts where were nicely shown off in this tight black top with a bit of a v neck and some crisscross laces.
Speaking of tops, I wanted to steal Jaime’s because she had a Harlequin t-shirt on. Me being a bit Batman fan tried to talk her into giving it to me. My attempts of persuasion didn’t work though because she likes Batman a lot too.
I also shared (sorta) for desert a Pint Glass Sunday which had chocolate fudge made with stout. It was pretty good.
After the brewery/restaurant we wandered until we found the Greek restaurant (whose name I can’t remember) with the giant purple octopus out front. We went upstairs to the bar. Now I was done drinking because I had to drive home Faith and Brianna and myself. Although Bria did selflessly offer to drive Faith and me home and let me drink. I also didn’t drink because of work. Having to get up at 6am in the morning is a great incentive to not get smashed the night before.
There was this giant Greek man who was the owner of the place who came up to our table. He talked us into dancing with him in a Greek Circle dance, and even taught us the steps. The guy playing the lute like instrument a bouzouki was great. He played wonderful music. The dancing was lots of fun. The girls all had drinks except fro Bria and I. Though Kayla tried some ouzo and had Bria try it. Finally we found an alcohol that Bria likes. Eventually the giant Greek man took Faith to the middle of the room and had her tilt her head back. He ended up pouring at least two shots of ouzo down her throat on the house as a birthday thing. It was funny to watch. Then he took her out on the dance floor and danced with her. He threw her around the dance floor. It was so funny to watch. Then the girls and I danced more with the giant Greek man.
The greek man also let the girl break some plates on the floor which was fun. Though I thought perhaps Bria might hit me with her plate. *snicker* she didn’t though.
Sadly the night had to end and we had to go home because of work n such. I took Faith and then Bria home and then went to bed myself around 11:30.
Initially I hadn’t really wanted to go, but I think that it is wonderful that I did because I had lots of fun. I need to get out more anyways. If I hadn’t gone I would have spent the night in the giant ugly green armchair in my room at my parents house and just read all night. Which is wonderful in itself, but something I’ve been doing for weeks on end. So this week has been a nice change.
I’m sad that I won’t get to see Bria for quite some time, because she goes back to Boston on Saturday.
There will be other times and soon.
With love and grace and Greek circle dances on the mind,
PS: What the hell does OPA! Mean anyway? The giant Greek man yelled it a lot while we danced, and eventually we did too.. kinda fun to yell out really….