new fic, Nisaki

Sep 20, 2010 15:07

I am SOOO sorry for the long wait. aparently i now have a life.
no computer yet though so im at the library. again

but! i come baring a gift in the form of an apology :D

so please please forgive!
and give cookies in the form of reviews ^^

Title: untitled (as of yet)
Author:sango houshi
genre: angst, some comedy, maybe smut later
chapter: 1/?
summary:its been a week since that fateful truth or dare game. Ruka knew it was only a matter of time since it would eventually happen, but he didnt think it would take them this long to finally get in each others pants.


AN: the chapters are gonna be set in third person p.o.v, but focusing on one character. this one is going to focus on Ruka.
you'll see what i mean shortly.

Ruka looked over at Ni-ya. Sakito was still holed up in his room, no doubt feeling ashamed or at least embarrassed over what had happened. The two were trying to ignore the other like the plague though they worked together and were forced to share the same dressing room, and everything else that came with being friends for such a long time, as well as being in the same band.

Ruka knew this would be the inevitable outcome-especially after what happened at that game at his own house just a short week ago. It actually surprised him that it took them this long to get in each others pants. However, though this was the outcome, they really didn’t need to freak out like this.

Granted, being caught by your band members wasn’t too thrilling.

Hitsugi had barged into Sakito’s hotel room to find two very naked brunettes in a tangle of limbs and the scent of sex still heavy in the room.

Yomi and Ruka had been outside Ni-ya’s hotel room door across the hall, only to find that the bassist wasn’t in his room.

“Hey did you find-” Yomi’s sentence was cut short as he moved around a red faced Hitsugi to stare wide eyes at the possessive hold Ni-ya had on a thoroughly-fucked looking Sakito, who’s abdomen and thighs were covered in crusted semen.

The two must’ve been exhausted because neither so much as breathed deeply even with all the commotion going on.

Yomi turned and dragged a still shocked Hitsugi with him, slamming the door shut.

Maybe that would wake them up.

And it did.

All three of them stared at each other in shock. But before any of them could say anything, they heard Sakito screaming followed by a loud thump and Ni-ya groaning. Some muffled cursing and a few other things thumping around as more yelling began to fill the hall. A few seconds later the door flew open revealing a disheveled and hung over Ni-ya barely holding his pants up by the belt loops, not having even zipped it up, his happy trail in plain view of all present, a sharp contrast to his alabaster skin. His eyes were wide with shock as he stared at Ruka, who stared right back, realizing what had just transpired and that the other three were witnesses, before pushing past the drummer and into his room, slamming the door shut.

That had been yesterday morning.

Ni-ya came out the room this morning looking like he had drunk himself into oblivion, again, his stomach growling loudly as he went to the hotel’s restaurant, locating Ruka, Yomi and Hitsugi, ignoring the lewd glances Yomi kept throwing his way and the way Hitsugi would blush whenever Ni-ya so much as moved. The man looked like the world had ended. And it probably had. This had never happened before. Sakito never consented to anal sex, no matter who asked or how horny he was. This was a big deal. Though they sometimes took…care of each other, to know that Sakito had lost his anal virginity on a drunken night, and that Ni-ya had taken him, must make the guitarist feel …used. And it scared the bassist of the brunette’s wrath. He feared for his family jewels. He just hoped Sakito was reasonable this morning. The guitarist hadn’t seen anyone since yesterday; he doubted Sakito wanted to see anyone. But being a nuisance was Yomi’s specialty and he went and had nagged Sakito into joining them for breakfast in no time.

A half hour later Yomi came downstairs with Sakito in tow, a noticeable limp to his step. The bassist sat up straighter, shoulders tensing. Yomi sat next to Ruka, Hitsugi on the drummer’s other side, leaving the only available chair next to Ni-ya. The brunette sat down stiffly, twitching every few seconds to try to find a comfortable position. Eventually he leaned so far he almost fell over as he tried to sit on his hip. He felt like someone had hit him with a sledgehammer on his tailbone. And though he had no recollection of the events of that night his body sure as hell remembered. And it felt as though his body ached more, the more time that passed.

“Wow, Ni-ya, you really did a number on him.” Yomi cheerily observed, increasing the tension at the table. Sometimes…Yomi had no tact, but his way of complimenting Ni-ya only made Sakito more uncomfortable.

Sakito tensed even more and winced as he moved the wrong way, almost keeling over. The bassist’s quick reflexes save him.

“You ok?” The bassist asked, his hand coming up to steady Sakito but the second their skin touched he pulled his hand back as though burned.

“I’m sorry.” He said looking away. This wasn’t the first time he apologized. He had knocked on Sakito’s door before and apologized profusely but never received an answer.

Ruka sighed, sinking further into his chair and looking at Ni-ya with a bored expression. The miserable look on the bassist’s face stopped him from asking any lewd questions, though that apparently didn’t apply to Yomi. Besides, the raven was trying to avoid even looking at them.

Ruka wondered, as he saw the slightly hurt look on Sakito’s face as Ni-ya moved away from him, if this was just an overdramatic overreaction? Why was Sakito looking hurt? Not physically, though he was sure that played a huge part, but emotionally? As if he thought that Ni-ya didn’t want him. Hell, they all wanted him, but it just so happened that Ni-ya got him first. Sakito was the last of them to remain a virgin. They’d all bottom for the other on one occasion or another. And Sakito was beautiful, more than that, and it wasn’t just the physical that attracted them to the lithe guitarist. Sakito had no reason being insecure of himself.

Then again, he was a goody two shoes where it counted. Those slutty poses he did for the magazines and PV’s were just an act. He was a very timid and personal person. And aside from being the smartest of them all, he had a strong head on his shoulders, so he was probably feeling like that because he hadn’t thought that he would lose his virginity on a drunken night. Especially considering that he was a cheap drunk.

Ruka would bet money that after that night, Sakito would quit drinking, because he didn’t see how in the hell Ni-ya would; booze was sacred to the bassist.

Ruka sighed. They’ll get over it eventually. It was probably just the shock of waking up with no recollection of what had happened the night before.

That was their unspoken rule: hand jobs and blow jobs were ok-anal only if both parties consented. Something Sakito had never done-until two nights ago.

It was more than obvious that it’d been consensual-Ni-ya was covered in hickies and Ruka had spotted a few scratch marks on the bassist’s back as he’d fled into his hotel room. And Ruka was pretty sure that if Sakito said no, as he’d done before, Ni-ya would’ve left him alone, as he’d done before.

Ruka looked over to Yomi, recalling how Yomi had acted the same way in the beginning. Almost the exact same thing had happened between Yomi and himself a few years back, when the band had been relatively new.
Ruka remembered and could tell you the exact moment he swore off

It was also very handy, though sometimes he missed the buzz. But he’d never been happier of his sober state than last week. He remembered every little detail when the others were just beginning to place blurry puzzle pieces of that night together in their minds. Except that Sakito swore he didn’t remember getting finger fucked by Ni-ya and calling the bassist’s name in the throes of passion while shooting his load down Hitsugi’s throat.

But Ruka would always remember and that picture would haunt his wildest wettest dreams for the rest of his life.

Even Ni-ya, who’d almost blacked out completely, remembered that exact moment in vivid detail. It was everything else that was a blur.

But because he didn’t drink, he remembered, and got erections at the most
inopportune times.

It was truly troublesome.

But the reason he swore off alcohol was even more troubling.
It had been the day after spending the night drinking with his band mates, his best friend Hakuei and Hakuei’s new friend (and Hitsugi’s then secret crush) Aki. Ruka had woken up to a still sleeping Yomi lying on top of him.


Yomi freaked, of course. Which was natural. The vocalist had considered himself about as straight as you could be while being surrounded by men 24/7 and being in the VK industry. That and the man was obsessed with boobs and would boast about his encounters with the female form.

However the night before hadn’t been a regular night of drinking and partying. He recalled, slightly, the way the night had been boring until Hakuei had dared Hitsugi to kiss Aki. Back then Hitsugi was pretty young, as they all were, but he was such a cheap drunk… he was so drunk he’d lost most of his inhibitions and had given Aki a sloppy kiss right on the lips with only a light blush. That of course had escalated to something much more erotic and a lot less innocent and a hell of a lot more interesting until there had been every form of sex without there being intercourse. Needless to say, they’d all gotten off in one way or another. However, not all of them were ok with the fact that they had some gay tendencies. Granted, he had kissed Yomi once when the vocalist had fallen asleep on top of him, something that Yomi had no idea had happened, but he thought it still counted until Hakuei told them that sex was sex; it was a way to release stress and make people feel better, so ‘stop complaining and deal with it. You’re gonna fuck or get fucked eventually.’

Ruka remembered the drunken speech to this day, which was hilarious, because Hakuei didn’t.

However this had been in the beginning.

They were older now, more mature and understood that sex was sex-a way to release tension and stress and take of care of basic needs.
And until now Sakito had never let himself be taken by any of them-not even Hitsugi, whom he trusted enough to fuck.

Back then, they didn’t know of the benefits of a simple hand job.

Granted, Ruka probably shouldn’t have taken Yomi’s anal virginity while they were both plastered-but that was his excuse, he was black out drunk. He couldn’t remember anything…not even if Yomi had consented or if he had forced himself on the tiny man…a thought that made him sick to his stomach, especially when he remembered how Yomi had his fingerprint marked in his flesh looking like bruises. The vocalist had screamed at him and had threatened making him a eunuch. Ruka thought he was going to throw up…

But nowadays Yomi even begged to be taken and joked that he was glad he hadn’t chopped of Ruka’s dick. A joke the drummer did not appreciate.
But thankfully, Hakuei, Hitsugi and Aki had all been witnessed to their actions-Yomi had invited him upstairs; but the thought that he could’ve hurt Yomi in any way made him sober up and he hadn’t had a drink in over 8 years.

But looking at these two… he could tell that they would be alright. Once they got their feelings in order. It was obvious that Sakito wanted Ni-ya to want him like Ruka wanted Yomi, as more than just a fuck buddy. Hell even Hitsugi had made his relationship with Aki exclusive, so he wouldn’t be sleeping with any of them anymore. Ruka didn’t have a problem with that, he had Yomi. But now it was time for Ni-ya and Sakito to face the music and get over the shock and learn to accept that they were good for each other.

He just hoped they figured it out soon, so that no major drama would disrupt the band.

But sometimes, Ruka set his hopes too high.


so....whadja think? good? bad? should i even continue?
on the 'im going to beg shamelessly so you can read my story' side, the next chapter is focusing on Sakito....does that sound intriguing? *looks like a demented puppy*

nightmare, fanfiction, nisaki

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