So I tried something called
Core Synergistics earlier today. It's part of the P90X workout series.. and they're really not for the faint of heart. This one's around 55 minutes..
A short while after starting some jogging I felt a bit of a strain on my left knee. Uh-oh! I thought to myself. I had a little bump playing football on Saturday. Hoped it wasn't anything serious. I have a fear of somehow injuring/popping/twisting the knee (something I've seen happen to some of my pals) on the pitch. I guess they're like the worst kind of injury for a footballer as they usually stay with you for a long time, sometimes for life.. unless you're rich like one of those millionaire EPL footballers who have personal physios and have their legs insured (and adored.. or despised by millions).
Anyway after doing some stretching I was glad to find that the slight pain magically disappeared. So off I went..
By around the 40 minute mark, doing something like a running-plank-push-up thingy I felt dizzy. Lol. I lied down for a while. After feeling a bit better I started again and not long after that I wanted to throw up. So I decided that was it. I skipped to the cooling down part of the exercise. The last time I felt that way was probably when I was having sprint training for Sports Day in school (only I did throw up back then because the coach kept pushing us to keep on running ;P). I think I forgot about breathing correctly trying some of the moves for the first time.. some of them I've never seen before, some weird (the banana-superman move for example) and some looked dangerous(!).
The workouts in P90X are really hardcore (and can give you nightmares just from watching them). If someone is able to keep up with the program everyday for 90 days or whatever I can totally believe it when he/she claims to have changed from looking like this...
to this bloody ripped...
Unlike some of those "You can sit all day and eat ice cream while sitting on your ass all day long watching TV and get a body like Brad Pitt/Jessica Alba in 30 days" scams products (which sadly so many people fall and pay a lot of money for).
Now it's the middle of the night/early in the morning (is the glass half full or half empty?).. I'm feeling much better but strangely I feel so damn hungry. Gotta find the courage to try it again next time..