Mar 30, 2018 13:39
Night 6 of 6
What. A. Night.
I had sort of planned to deconstruct Dr Seuss 'Too Many Daves' but as I needed to talk for around 5 minutes I didn't think I'd make it that long and discarded the idea. Instead I decided to tell the story of how David and I became a couple. I didn't know if I could make 5 minutes, and I had no idea if people would be actually interested in the story, but that is what I chose.
I stressed about doing the presentation literally all week. I tried hard to not plan any aspect of the talk other than my opening line:
"Have you ever looked at someone and known they were the one? I did."
I was scheduled to present twelfth out of sixteen participants. I had to sit there and watch eleven other participants deliver awesome, awe inspiring, funny stories and I became convinced they'd all hate my presentation because theirs were all so good. SO GOOD.
I prepared to make my 'entry' to the stage. I breathed deeply, rolled my shoulders and generally tried to keep calm. I was announced and I walked out in front of everyone...
... and completely forgot my opening line.
"I'm going to tell you about how my husband and I became a couple. *shit that wasn't what I was going to say* Have you ever looked at someone and known they were the one? I did. I remember..."
And so off I went.
I failed to hear the 5 minute bell. I failed to hear the 6 minute bell.
I heard the 7 minute bell just as I was finishing my story, relieved I'd apparently made it to 5 minutes. I spoke for 7 minutes 45 seconds.
And I had 20 people completely spellbound.
Afterwards at the hotel I had people congratulating me and wringing my hand telling me what an amazing public speaker I was, how I used the room to such good effect, how I was animated and emotional.
I came home and read all the feedback sheets. I expected some real negative opinions, but was amazed to read the identical feedback to that I'd heard at the pub.
I was brilliant. I can't tell you how proud I am of myself.
Posted from Dreamwidth
more than words,