Christmas Pink, RPS, J2 nonAU, 1/1, [PG]

Dec 05, 2011 16:15

Title: Christmas Pink
Author: sandymg
Podfic: read by eosrose
Summary: Jared decides to bake Christmas cupcakes. It doesn't go so well. Jensen helps.
Wordcount: 1,000 - One-shot
Genre: RPS, J2 NonAU, Romance
Characters/Pairings: Jared/Jensen
Rating/Warnings: PG, extreme schmoop
Disclaimer: This is fiction. No harm intended. No profit made.
A/N: Written for insmallpackages. Inspired by petite_madame's "Jared's Kitchen Nightmare" illustration from her Grant Wish Post . Not beta'd.

Christmas Pink

“What’s up, Jay?”

When Jared looks up, there’s bitty specks of white splattered across his cheeks like tiny star lights. Yet his skin is flushed a soft pink and he’s sweaty but not in a glowing post-workout sort of way. But worst of all. His lips are turned down and his eyes are dimmed and sad.

Jensen is instantly alarmed. “What’s wrong?” He looks around to spot Sadie lounging in the corner. She seems fine. He hasn’t seen Jared looking this dejected since Harley’s passing.

“I had this idea,” Jared says voice almost too low to hear. “My momma used to. I’d take them to class. It was years ago but I thought.”

His boyfriend is babbling. Not that this is new. But it’s not a happy babble. “Slow down. What idea?”

“Christmas cupcakes.”

Jensen’s brow rises. He’s heard of Christmas cookies before but not …

Jared continues. “She’d use white icing. And then pipe on wreathes and holly berries.”

Jensen knows how great a baker Sherri is. “Your mom’s a whiz in the kitchen, Jay,” he reminds gently.

“I know that. I called her. An’ she told me nothing is easier than cupcakes. Nothing, she said.”

Jared’s mouth is now a full-on pout and Jensen feels his heart just breaking. He opens his arms and Jared sinks in pliant and as child-like as a six-foot-five man can be. Heart pounding, Jensen squeezes hard because somewhere along the way Jay’s hurts became his own and his life goal is to always take them away.

With a small sniff, Jared pulls back, takes his hand and walks him into their kitchen. Upon the counter is a muffin tin filled with concaved mini cakes. They look like a small, yet large-bottomed person sat in each one. The anti-cupcake elves, Jensen thinks with an inner grin. He hides his mirth because it’s too soon and Jared still has this lost puppy look in his eyes and Jensen can’t stand it.

“Christmas cupcakes,” Jensen questions even though clearly that’s what they were supposed to be.

Jared just nods. “I was going to bring them to the studio on our last day before break. You know, for everyone. Like I did back in school.”

The idea is so sweet and young and so very Jared that Jensen feels his eyes fill with emotion for this man he adores like nothing else. “Well then,” he begins after swallowing hard. “That’s what we’re gonna do. Still have the recipe?”

“Yeah, over here. But, you see how-“

“Doesn’t matter. You can’t measure worth a damn. Knowing you, you probably tossed in a little extra of everything for good luck or something. Baking doesn’t work like that. It’s precise. You have to follow the recipe exactly.”

Jared looks chagrined and Jensen lets himself smile for the first time. Jensen reaches up to wipe a speck of flour from Jared’s eyebrow. Their eyes meet and hold and the love flashing in Jared’s beautiful hazel eyes threaten to bring tears to Jensen’s eyes again.

“Let’s try this,” Jensen steps back and lets the moment settle. “I’ll bake the cupcakes and you decorate them.”

He’s met with a huge, full-dimpled smile. “That’s what I used to do with my Momma.”

Jensen’s busy measuring the dry ingredients into separate small glass bowls. It’s precise and methodical and Jensen enjoys the process. Next to him Jared is whipping up icing and laying the food coloring packets out one next to the other - red, green and pink? Jensen doesn’t ask.

He looks up from his measuring to catch Jared staring at him. He questions him silently with his face.

“Thank you,” Jared says eyes dancing bright. “I love you.”

Jensen blushes. “Yeah, yeah, ya big baby. Can’t  have you moping at Christmas. The world would likely end or something.”

“Or something,” Jared repeats only now the spark in his eyes is darker and heated and Jensen’s thinking ahead to how many cupcakes they’ll have to bake to accommodate the crew and is really grateful for indulging in double ovens in their kitchen.

“I have a Christmas tradition, too,” Jensen says meeting Jared’s leer with one of his own.


“Uh-huh. Post-Christmas-baking blow jobs.”

Jared laughs, surprised. Not that Jensen’s a sap but it’s the best sound in the world.

Jared’s fine-tuning his icing colors (fuchsia?) and Jensen is now working on the batter for the second batch. The oven bell dings and they both approach cautiously.

As a hard body presses against his back, Jensen carefully removes the first of the two tins they’ve prepared. The cupcakes are gently rounded and Jared bounces while clutching his shoulders excitedly. “They’re perfect!”

Jensen carefully places them on the counter to cool before turning into his lover’s arms. Somewhere along the way Jared flipped on his holiday music playlist. Mariah is singing ‘All I Want for Christmas is You.’

“I love you,” he whispers up. He doesn’t say it half as much as Jared does and the look in Jared’s eyes is worth a thousand hours of baking.

“How much longer?” Jared breathes into his ear.

“I’d say three more batches oughta do it.”

“And then you’re mine?”

It slips out before he can stop himself. “I’m always yours.”

But Jared doesn’t seem to mind Jensen’s uncharacteristically sappy mood. “Yeah. You are.”

They’re kissing and Jared tastes like candy and flour and Christmas and Jared. Honey-tinged and luscious. He presses tight against hard muscle and ponders the incongruity of all that steel strength with a marshmallow center. He pulls back reluctantly, tongue chasing after Jared’s for a few last quick swipes.

“Crew will love this,” he says, eyes darting back to the cooling tin. Of course they adore Jared no matter what. How could they not?

Jared’s looking at him fondly and blinks once before pulling back to work. Jensen looks back over to Jared’s icing creations. He has to know.

“Why all the pink? Not a holiday color, usually.”

After a second Jared meets his eyes. “That’s for your cupcake.” Jensen’s brows raise in question. “My momma always baked some special family-only cupcakes and they had pink hearts on them.”

“Family cupcakes?”

“Well, yeah,” Jared says like he and Jared can’t be anything else.

Family. He lets the word roll around his mind. “Well, alright then. We got some baking to do.”


established relationship, jensen/jared, jared padalecki, j2, rps, fanfic, holidayfic, jensen ackles, romance, schmoop, author: sandymg

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