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Comments 9

twirlycurls December 9 2010, 15:33:42 UTC
He stared at his fingers. “Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Many, many years.” He was holding out all ten fingers.
Awww he's so darling, like a little kid. I love his innocence.

I was surprised by Misha's reaction, but he had a point that "that man is mentally ill. To take advantage that way. Jared, he can’t consent. "
That's pretty serious and not something to just brush aside. I'm glad that it's been brought to Jared's attention and he's giving it serious thought.

Misha’s eyes narrowed to laser beams. “I’ll tell you what happened. You fucked someone who doesn’t even know he’s a human being.”

Officer Jeffrey Dean Morgan! That is awesome.

Officer Jeffrey is amazingly good guy -- most cops that I've known wouldn't have given Jared another minute of their time after hearing that the homeless guy was cursed by a witch.

I'm glad to see that Sandy has decided to change her approach here. And that there's more of her to come in this story.


sandymg December 9 2010, 16:00:18 UTC
Smiling now. Glad to see you back. The Misha part is one of my favorites in this piece. Because his was a very natural reaction and Jared, himself, also questioned his actions. Except, of course, Jared knew how pure of heart he was. Knew how much he cared.

I tried to give Sandy's story a full arc. Well, as much as a secondary character can get. That whole part is very personal to me. I hope you ultimately think it works. It's the least fairy tale about this whole fairy tale.

I love Officer Jeff. He's one of my faves in the story. And his role grows.


tmn1966 May 17 2011, 09:06:13 UTC
Jensen has been living on the streets for 10 years? Oh my, how sad. Interesting that Jared calling him Jen triggered a memory after so long. That makes sense, though, since Jensen probably never told many people his name. I’m so glad that not everyone treated Jensen badly and that he has a memory of a blonde haired woman that made him feel safe.

Have to say again how much I like your Misha. He was right in calling out Jared after finding them kissing. Everyone needs a Misha in their life. Although I don’t believe (or maybe hope) that Jensen isn’t mentally ill, he does have a lot going on, what with some issues of memory loss and his speech indicating he’s had some sort of trauma. His capacity for understanding seems genuine. Unfortunately, at this point, Jared is the only one that really gets to see that.

I really liked this part. It shows how much is going on with Jared, how much his life is changing by meeting Jensen:

He met Misha’s questioning gaze and realized that he honestly didn’t know how to answer him. He didn’t know if he ( ... )


sandymg May 17 2011, 13:28:51 UTC
Glad you were able to read a little more. So, yeah, the plot thickens. You *did* point out another favorite part of mine which is when Misha blows up at Jared when he catches them kissing. It seemed very logical to me given what Misha knows/has seen. The assumption that Jensen is most likely mentally ill is where most people would go despite how compassionate they are. It was my intent to show that Jared (or more specifically Jared in relation to Jensen) is different. He sees *more*. It's the theme of the story after all. So he's caught slightly off guard by Misha's anger, even though he's questioned his own actions. I was worried some might not like a side character coming down hard on my hero. But it was so necessary to me.

The next part takes up immediatly after this one. They really are one section in a way. I bring Jared's past relationship to a head with these parts. Hope you like.


stinchcomb2093 March 3 2012, 16:35:27 UTC
He didn’t know if he wanted to save Jensen or wanted Jensen to save him. And he no longer knew if there was a difference.
I'm reading this chapter and listening to the mix, Beautiful Lie comes on, and I think it tripled my feels for this part of the story. I hope Jeff can find some information b/c it's killing me!


sandymg March 3 2012, 19:35:33 UTC
The song mix was gorgeous. My friend really loved this story and created the mix for it. It's beautiful. She has great musical taste and a real feel for how to put together a mix that complements a story perfectly. Jeff plays a big role in this story. And there are new characters to come (some original) that I hope you also like. There are twists to come. I'm looking forward so much to more of your comments. And because I think I haven't said it in a while -- thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts like this along the way!


dimeliora June 10 2013, 22:34:53 UTC
I've been meaning to comment, but it's so hard to stop reading. Still, stupid bad Jared. Stupid.


sandymg June 11 2013, 02:06:23 UTC
Thanks for reading. I hope you can return and let me know if you enjoyed the story's ending. Jared is still definitely in a confused stage at this point of the story. But he quickly figures things out.


darlingluv31199 July 26 2020, 22:43:26 UTC


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