When Your Lover Breaks, Epilogue, NC-17, RPS, Non-AU, Jensen/Jared

Jul 18, 2010 00:29

~ Jared ~

“Oh, what a beautiful mornin’ … Oh, what a beautiful day …”

“Dude. Show tunes?”

Damn. How did Jensen always catch him?

“Want something more appropriate?” he called out.

“Shower appropriate? Tell me you’re not gonna burst into Singing in the Rain?”

Jared laughed. “No. Scrooge.” He burst into Jingle Bells, instead.

“That’s worse. Go back to Rodgers and Hammerstein.”

Jared yelled out, “Grinch” and sang louder.

He couldn’t help feeling amazing. Today was the first day of the final work week before their Christmas break.

First Christmas he’d be sharing with Jensen.

Didn’t get better than this.

Jensen handed him coffee as he entered the kitchen. “Are you sure?”

Jared took a sip, petted the top of Harley’s head and looked at Jensen. He sat at the counter, newspaper open, cereal bowl on top of it, mug in his grip.

Ooh. A sweater. He walked over to pet his arm. Soft. Jensen looked up. “Jay?”

“What? I’m going to need more information before I can answer.”

Jensen rolled his eyes. “Christmas?”

“Um, yeah, December twenty-fifth this year, same as ever.” He ran his fingers against the soft fabric. Cashmere. “Did I buy you this?”

Jensen looked down puzzled. Jared studied the sweater further. It was a deep red. Not anything Jensen’d ever get for himself. The more Jared looked at it the more he was certain he’d bought it.

“Your eyes are so green wearing that. Like nuclear green.”

“Jay. C’mon. Are you sure about Christmas?”

Oh for goodness sake, was that what this was about? “Yes. We’ll see my folks Christmas Eve, then drive to Dallas. Win-win. What’s the problem?”

“That you won’t be with your family on Christmas Day.”

“Sure I will.”


“I’ll be with you.”

Jensen’s eyes let out a radioactive glow. He didn’t say anything.

Jared asked, “So we’re good?”

“Yeah. We’re good.”

“One more week and then three weeks off.”

Jensen picked his mug back up. “Man, can’t come quick enough. Don’t want to memorize one more word.”

Jared laughed. “Did you read the next episode script yet? I get to time travel into the future!”

“Yeah. Real cool.”

“I know. No flying cars … but, I get to meet future badass you.”

“And you also get to play Lucifer. Know you’ve been chomping at the bits for that.”

Jared thought Edlund’s script was wickedly clever. Nothing would make Sam more motivated to get Dean to agree to hunt with him again than the knowledge that if Dean didn’t, Sam would say yes to Lucifer. And ultimately … “I kill you.”

Jensen looked back up from his paper. “Future me.”

Jared stared into his coffee cup. Sometimes he wondered who was having an easier time getting past the accident. He or Jensen.

His chin hit cashmere. “C’mere.” Jensen stood and wrapped his arms around him. “I didn’t die.”

Jared thought his immediate thank god, but didn’t say anything.

After nine months the pre- and post-accident line was like a faint indentation in the sand. Jared could go days forgetting about it. Then Jensen would get frustrated, almost always related to a memory issue and his temper would blow. Jared was in the way more often than not.

But these were rarer. And no matter how far inside himself Jensen disappeared, he always came back to him. Jen still asked him, occasionally, why Jared bothered with him. He’d taken to giving the same answer. Look sideways, dumbass. And Jensen would smile. And it would be over.

Jensen kissed his jaw. “Okay?”

Jared tilted his head symbolically giving himself his own advice. Jensen followed suit quizzically.

Jared burst into laughter.

“You laughing at me, Padalecki?”

Jared didn’t answer and went in search of breakfast.

“Dammit, we have no cereal again.”

Jen stared at him. They were supposed to go grocery shopping this weekend.

They hadn’t quite made it out of the bedroom. Again.

Jensen pushed his half-finished bowl over to him. “Here, I saved you some.”

Jared inhaled the soggy flakes. He’d eat again at the studio.

“You know, we can’t fuck at my parent’s house.”

Jared put the spoon down. “What?”

“Seriously, Jay. I’ve never … not when they were around. Too weird.”

Jared thought to argue, debate. Point out that Jensen’s parents probably did it when he was home. How exactly did he think Mackenzie came to be? But what was the point?

He added it to the list.

“Your parent’s house, either.”

Jared laughed.

There was a knock and Jensen let Clif in. “What’s so funny, Jay?”

He looked at the absobloodylutely gorgeous man he planned to fuck from Christmas eve through Christmas night. Well, they’d break for meals. And presents.

Jensen pondered him oddly, but his eyes twinkled like holiday lights.

He copped a last feel of the feather soft sweater before it disappeared into Jensen’s jacket.

And burst into Jingle Bells on the way out.


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jensen/jared, jared padalecki, j2, rps, when your lover breaks, jensen ackles, 2010 spn/j2 big bang, non-au

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