ART: Momma, We Tried (TFWBB 2018; Dean, Cas, Sam)

Sep 01, 2018 03:11

*waves enthusiastically* I'm BACK!! In case you wonder where I wandered off to - blame it on my old laptop (may he rest in peace). Despite that huge technical setback, I did my best to work on all the Big Bangs I've signed up. And now the time has come to present you the first in a row (which will come to this theater over the next few months).
It's for the Team Free Will Big Bang, and the absolutely wonderful story "Momma, We Tried", written by BehindTheCellarDoor (AO3) / impalartsociopath (tumblr). I won't spoil the story for you (I guess the pics do to an extent), but just know that it's set in AU that, in some aspects, isn't as far away from the show's world as it seems. Sure, there are enough elements in the story that go far off from the storyline we've come to love over the last 14 years, but others, especially about the boys, are almost the same as on TV.

And now - on with the artworks!
(all pics are clickable for full size)

Cover Pic:

Chapter Headers:


This is the first time I did these kind of pics (as they were a requirement). The texts used are excerpts from the fic.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

End Pic:

This one took the long and scenic route XD My first idea was "derailed" (in the best sense of the word) when my lovely author send me the final draft - and all of a sudden, what I wrongly had considered to be the final scene was somewhere in the middle of Chapter 3. But in its place arrived this scene, which is heartbreakingly beautiful (just like we know from the show)


No surprise here ;) By now, they are standard for my artposts XD

general (for both pics and fonts): all rights reserved, no copyright infringement intended

Screencaps used in this batch:

Background pics for Cover & Chapter Headers: Google Image Search

Background pic End Pic: Isorepublic

Fonts used:

Rush Rush (title, chapter number)

Keishue (names, chapter titles)

Grand Hotel (scene & end pic texts)

I hope you like what you see! And now, please head over to the story and leave my author some love!!

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

challenge: team free will big bang, tv: supernatural, fandom: supernatural, character: sam winchester, character: mary winchester, character: castiel, character: dean winchester

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