Calling all SPN friends!

Aug 21, 2018 11:22

Hey folks! I'm currently working on a new artwork project (for Team Free Will Bang), and try as I might, my brain is stuck. For a scene pic, I need the boys (Dean, Sam, Cas) sitting on motel room beds. Guess what happened? I can remember Dean sitting on one, and I know that Sam sat on it in 1x09 "Home", but I'm absolutely drawing a blank on Cas. And if anyone knows a better scene (except for the one in 6x04 "Weekend At Bobby's" when they call Bobby) that I could use for Sam (best would be against the headboard), please let me know. (Cause I have way too much pics of the show already to remember any details about them!)

So to sum it up, I need pointers for both Sam and Cas (though I could do with our favorite angel just sitting on the bed).

Thanks in advance for your help (you, at least, get a namely mention in my art post! Promise!)

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fandom: supernatural, lj friends, dw friends

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