So I haven't updated in I'm gonna attempt to now. And just in case I ramble and to avoid raping the friend pages, I'll even put it behind a snazzy cut.
So we'll start off since Disneyland. We've been underway for a little while. Did some work with some air guys. I've really gotten thrown into some new shit and more responsibility. It's cool though. And we had a hottie AW1 onboard that I got to work with alot for 2 weeks :) Anywho...hmmm what else.
Ah...we made a port visit in
Nagasaki. Just in case you guys slept through that day of history class, Nagasaki was the second city the US dropped the Atomic Bomb on. Now, lemme just say this first...Everywhere we've been in Japan, it's been pretty westernized and they are very happy to have us here for the most part. Well, not here. It's a very isolated city and very old fashioned. They believe what they believe and thats that. As a liberty port, it basically sucked. Only reason I even got off the boat was because we had been underway so long. Oh, and the museum sparked my interest. Yeah...the museum. Let's talk about that shall we? Sooooo apparently WWII basically started in 1943 and the US is full of a bunch of assholes that kills church folk and children. Oh, and doesn't give any warning. Hellllllllllo? I'd think that Hiroshima a week before was warning enough? Oh, and did 1941 never happen? They remember a little place called Pearl Harbor and a little boat called the USS Arizona? Oh, and those 2403 Americans killed there? Yeah, jerks. Stupid museum pissed me off. And all the stuff in it was from churches or primary schools. They were sure to tack that primary part on there. So yeah, I'm gonna stop raving on Nagasaki.
Hmmmm what else have we done? Well I guess that brings me to this weekend. Went to
Rappongi. Spent entirely too much money, drank until I puked (in a cab!), salsa danced with some guy from Israel. It was a crazy night.
Oh yeah, one thing I do enjoy about Japan, HMV. When albums come out, a lot of artists release them in other countries with special bonus tracks and whatnot. I grabbed a few of them today. :) Anywho....I'm sleepy