Apr 27, 2007 09:33
So yeah, I promised I would update about my interview, so here we go. I wasn't nervous...until about an hour before I left, when I started taking a shower and getting ready. I left a few minutes later than I wanted to, but I still managed to get there about 12-15 minutes early. I went in and only waited a few minutes before I was called in for my interview. The secretary had given me a bottle of water, which was gone by the end of the interview...but it's really not that impressive considering the interview was 2 HOURS LONG! That's right...2 hours long. Part of it was the guy had a lot of questions to ask, but it didn't help that we would start exchanging stories of different things we had experienced in IT. Now just for clarification, the guy I interviewed with this time was not the same person I had my first interview with. One thing that makes me excited, besides that the interview lasted 2 hours, was that for every question he asked, I had an answer. When he started listing off different Technical skills, with the exception of maybe 1 skill, I had at least some knowledge or experience in each area. Then he gave me a tour of the place, which The guy I talked to was young, he's probably 24 or 25 cuz he said that he only graduated from Ferris State just a couple of years ago. He was nice too...everyone there I've met so far is really nice. I hope I get this job cuz it sounds like a great place to work.
I asked him when I would hear back, and he said I should hear back within a week or even a few days. He said that there were a couple of possibilities:
1) This company is only four years old, and everyone that they've hired since the company started is still working there. Because of this they like to have the candidates come in and have some sort of group meeting/interview with the rest of the people there to see how well they work with each other. This makes sense, because there's not that many people working there (10 people), they work in a team setting, and since people seem to be sticking around for a while they need to make sure that everyone will get along.
2) If there's only one serious candidate, then they'll probably just offer them a job without the group interview because, let's face it, why make them go through another interview if they're going to get the job anyways.
So yeah...in a few days I should find out what's next. I'm excited, but more scared than ever because I'm so close and I could still lose this. But God will provide, so there's no sense worrying about something that's no longer in my control. Prayers would be much appreciated. Just 15 more days till graduation...