Dec 17, 2009 13:43
today dave (co-worker) was whining about how barack obama is donating his nobel prize money to charity. why? because it says in the constitution that any sitting president who comes across a sizeable pension MUST give it back to the american people. he received 1.4 million dollars. there are 300 million people here. that's roughly four hundredths of a penny for each person. i've seen homeless bums throw back ENTIRE pennies at people.
giving 1.4 million dollars to a children's hospital, or cancer research, or a scholarship fund would help more people than giving everyone who lives here a fraction of a penny, no? wouldn't that sound like the more sensical thing to do?
well....according to dave, sensibility doesn't matter. because the constitution is the law, and the law comes first and foremost...which, in his eyes, makes it the morally correct thing to do, even when it doesn't make sense.
therein, barack obama, by giving his money to charity, according to breaking the law and should be held accountable in a federal court of justice. even though the constitution is 233 years old, it's still the basis on which this country was founded and it CANNOT be changed. we must continue to solve new problems with age-old solutions...BECAUSE IT'S THE LAW. the law, by simply being the law, is automatically the only answer to every problem. the LAW, which has yet to completely detach itself from the BIBLE, even as of 2009, is immune to logic. and that's what's best for everyone. empty logic. logic that's older than slavery.
so in theory, if the constitution is always right, and if dave is pissed at barack obama for giving away our money, then i'm pissed at dave's wife for voting. OOOHHH! seeyall @ okie dogs.