Jun 09, 2008 22:26
My dad just doesn't seem to have any luck when it comes to his eyes. First, his eyelids started drooping into his eyes a few years ago, necessitating a blepharoplasty that resulted initially in very angry, Caucasian looking eyes. That effect is somewhat softened now thankfully.
Well, tomorrow, poor daddy is going in for emergency eye surgery because he has a retinal tear that is turning into a retinal detachment. And, were it not for my sister putting her foot down, he would have continued on with his typical male behavior of not checking in with his physician as to why he was suddenly seeing black spots floating and lightening sparks flashing in his field of vision. And the result of that behavior would have been loss of vision! Gah! Thankfully, he has a good chance of retaining his sight so that he may be able to see and play with his much beloved granddaughters.
Geez. Men! Actually Korean men and their stoicism!