Title: Everything In A Man
Movie: Sherlock
Rating: K
Characters: Sarah, Sherlock, John, Mycroft
Genre: Drama
Summary: Sarah (spoilers The Great Game) visits John in the hospital post-the pool
Note: Drabble written for a music meme. Based on the first line of Justin Timberlake's 'What Goes Around/Comes Around': Hey girl, is he everything you want in a man? - I didn't use a beta for it and I'm not a native speaker of English, so do point out any mistakes I made :)
Word Count: 454
Written: April 2011
Everything In A Man
“Hey girl, is he everything you want in a man?”
Sarah was looking at the man in front of her. Lying on his back in a hospital bed. Sound asleep, but alright. Thank god. Under the circumstances anyway. It could have been way worse.
“I don’t know,” she answered her friend who had gone with her to the hospital. She really didn’t.
“He got himself blown up. In a pool.”
Sarah sighed. “I know.”
“After you were kidnapped by a gang of Chinese criminals who were about to kill you.”
Sarah crossed her arms across her chest. She wanted to be annoyed with her friend, but knew at the same time Dana was right. She bit her lip, knowing he wasn’t good for her. Not for her physical well-being anyway. But it was so refreshing to be around a guy who respected her and did not treat her like dirt for a change. And he was ordinary. She wanted ordinary. Needed it.
But then she met his extraordinary flatmate.
A noise behind her startled her.
There he was. On crutches. Followed by his brother, who hadn’t left his side since they were brought in.
“How is he?” Mycroft asked a nurse who had just walked in to check up on him.
“Same, sir.”
A broken arm, two bruised ribs and a concussion. That was all.
How Sherlock came off with just a few scratches and a sprained ankle was beyond her. The pool had collapsed completely, five men were found burnt, yet these two came out alive. She had not yet figured out how that was possible. Didn’t know if she would ever find out.
She stared at Sherlock as he walked around the bed and sat on the stool next to John. Sarah felt unwanted. Unneeded. Catching Mycroft’s eye, she knew she was right. She nudged her friend and they both made their way out of the room. Before closing the door behind her, she turned around and looked one last time at the man she thought she had fallen in love with. Was falling in love with. He seemed content in his sleep, not tormented by nightmares, like she often still was. He really did seem perfectly fine after what he had just gone through, even in his sleep.
As the door was almost shut, she noticed Sherlock’s look. A look she had never seen him wear before. Then she noticed his hands. Her breath became shallow and more rapid. His lean fingers were touching John’s.
Then the door shut in front of her face.
“Come,” Dana said. “They will call where there is any change. There is nothing you can do here. Let’s go home.”
“Yeah,” Sarah responded, confused and unsure about what she had just witnessed. “Let’s.”