Letting everyone in on my life

May 29, 2005 20:33

It's hard being engaged for such a long time, but I knew there was a reason I listened to that small, still voice in my head. God had this time planned for our growing. It's been just remarkable to see how far Rachel has blossomed into a Godly woman. I, however, have become overly distracted with details, and get too bogged down in them that they cause tension, forgetfulness, stress, and sometimes anger.

I've felt lately that I've been missing something. I can't remember the last time I wrote a devotion or even a study guide for my home group. Praying and Promise Keepers this past weekend has showed me how much I need to get back into my ministry in LJ, so you'll see more of me I hope. I know that kind of sounds weird after reading the problems I've been having, but getting into the word like I was doing for ya'll in LJland was God's way of really speaking to me. I can't even tell you how many times I was in the middle of writing and it would hit me that this was something that I needed to learn as well.

When we get distracted, we lose the hearing we have for God's voice. Our Lord will be screaming at us sometimes, "Don't do it!" "Not that way!" or even "Stop, you know how much that hurts Me!" If we were intuned with God, this wouldn't even be an issue, but we get so wrapped up in our lives (even ministry) that we forget to do "house cleaning" so-to-speak.

We daily need to sit before the Lord, confessing our sins and praying for His wisdom to guide us. These "alone sessions" can be as simple as just saying hello to Him or as deep as being completely subdued by the Spirit. There is nothing He can't and won't do for us. We simply need to take daily time to hear His calling for our lives. This isn't just a once a day praying thing either. Every day, all day, in everything; pray first. You can't take a step unless your brain tells your leg to move, so it is with the Spirit. We can't and shouldn't want to move in our spiritual lives without the Father giving us the power to move our legs.

Be still, and know I am God (Psalm 46:10)
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