Nov 24, 2008 23:47
So I went to the PRISM dance. It was awsome. Fun drag queens doing flips in stelletos and hitting on me when I was working the door. I had to be a bouncer for an hour, a job that I felt didnt fit me that well. While I didnt need to "bounce" anyone, I did have to support a drunk woman (33 years old according to her drivers license) who thought that the "21 and over" braclet on her wrist was cutting off her blood circulation. I had to leave early and didnt stay for the clean up, which I feel bad about. I hope they dont scalp me at the next meeting.
Also, im starting to worry about the psych class I signed up for next year. I looked the prof up on line and she has 36 reviews 3 of which are positive. The consistant claims about her include her 30 page syllabus, leaving all bags at the front desk during quizes, tieing back long hair in a ponytail at all times, and testing multiple choice on the book instead of the actual info
What body part controls thought process?
A. The brain controls thought process
B. Thought process is controled by the brain
C. The human brain controls thought process
D. Human thought process is controled by the brain
(choose the answer reflected in the book)
If that is realy how she tests then she isnt doing it right. Ill see if another class opens up, but for now, I dont think I will drop it just yet.