But hey, I AM still alive.
I have also crossed another milestome of Middle Aged Adulthood, last week I wrote a Tuition Deposit Check.
After also considering West Virginia Institute of Technology and City Tech on Brooklyn, it looks like Padawan Two is going to go to Buffalo State in the fall. They seem to have the strongest program, seem to place
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I figure that at Buffalo State, we're looking at $18,000 US this coming year for the State school. I fully expect 10-15% Rises in tuition and fees per year, and total costs around $80,000, probably a bit more. Beats $200K plus, but still stings like a MOTHEFUCKER. But that's still considered "affordable" by current measure.
Apparently the real estate bubble in Canada hasn't brust yet. The place we're in was 340K in 2001, spiked to over $600K street in 2006, then plummeted to 290K in the crash, and now has edged back up to a fluctuating 320-360K.... Crazy.
But the stiff bit is that Property Taxes have shot up over 200% since 2001 NATIONWIDE. It's a side effect of the Bush Tax cuts. The massive reduction in Federal Revenue combined with two rather expensive international adventures, has resulted in a massive slashing of federal funding of mandated social programs and public education shoving the costs down to the local levels, whose taxing authority is mostly property taxes. These just keep creeping up, even as property values bounce up and down like a fat kid on a trampoline.
And of course, property taxes are far more... democratic. Income taxes only take effect if you have ... income. Property takes hit you if you have a ROOF. Employed, unemployed, retired, disabled, student, senior citizen... Even if you're a renter, most landlords have to pass on their taxes into the rent they collect.
"The reason they call it the American Dream, is you've gotta be asleep to belive it!" - George Carlin.
It's become a nightmare for so many people.
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