Feb 27, 2008 19:34
After a week or so hiatus from work I got back to work... and proceeded to get sick. So I've barely been to work in the past 3 weeks. And let me tell you I've never been so happy to be back. Although my hours may be cut to an extent I'm still happy to see everyone again and earning money. But, even so, things still nag at me as of late.
I need to move and I need to move soon. It feels as though doing so is becoming more and more difficult. Every day the financial difficulties pile up. It's as though they will soon surround and suffocate me and there's nothing I can do save for not think about it. And that only lasts for so long.
Tomorrow I'm going into work and telling my boss I want to transfer. I'll have a list of the Targets that will surround my future area and their numbers. I've got to stop fooling around.
I went for a walk today. The weather was permitting and It really helped to clear my head. The sun beamed down on me as I read a funny book in our tranquil park downtown. In said park there is a huge water fountain. It's really quite beautiful. I was able to really relax. That is... until the underbelly of urban society decided to poison my tranquility.
I'm not talking about the homeless or some such. I'm talking about people who have no regard for the innocence of youth and whose most capable way to express themselves is by dropping F bombs every other word.
Picture an older woman, late fifties perhaps, in a wheel chair. She smokes and is hanging out with about 5 people who are young enough to be her grandchildren. This woman had the most foul mouth I've ever heard in person. She spoke to these youths, and them in turn, in a way that quite literally began to trigger my gag reflex. I have no doubt that this woman is a dominant reason why the children surrounding her appeared to be such.... unsavory characters.
It's a shame, really. I really enjoyed reading there. It forced me to find my local artsy coffee shop and endure there. So the day wasn't a total bust. But man... what is the world coming to?
Tomorrow I plan to speak with my boss about a possible transfer. Hopefully that will go over well. In a perfect world I'll be moved to Santa Clara inside a month or so. Here's hoping.