Two last videos for 2009

Dec 28, 2009 10:03

First, I present to you my latest anime weirdness...

... "Fruits Basket: The Truth about Cats and Dogs"

image Click to view

If the embedding doesn't work, the video can be found at and on the Videos page, as usual.


And I had to do it. The votes were in and I had to do it (especially since I skipped this video to do the GOING ROGUE teaser).

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...

... "Avatar: CoH Style!"

(To clarify - this is NOT, I repeat NOT, a video about the latest James Cameron film. This is about the Guild song "(Do You Wanna Date My) Avatar", which is far more appropriate to CoH. You have been warned.)

image Click to view

If the embedding doesn't work, the video can be found at and on the Videos page, as usual.

The in-jokes abound in this one. :)

Happy holidays and brightest blessings to everyone, and may 2010 bring your dreams closer to you.


videos, city of heroes, fruits basket

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