My D&D character

Aug 24, 2009 12:28

Here she is in all her glory...

Sa'shanan (Lawful Neutral Elf Wizard, Level 7)
Hair: Black / Eyes: Grey-green
Height: 5'2" / Weight: 105 lbs

STR: 10
DEX: 16
CON: 13
INT: 18
WIS: 12
CHA: 8

HP: 31

Blistering Spell
Craft Wand
Energy Substitution: Fire
Light of Triceil (Use Flare, Burning Hands, and Resistance 1/day each as spell like abilities)
Scribe Scroll

Weapons of Choice:
Staff of Aralon (contains spells of Light, Daylight, and Scorching Ray)
+1 Daggers
Wand of Scorching Ray

Armor of Choice:
Cloak of Resistance +1
Bracers of Armor +2
Ring of Protection +1

Appraise - 7
Balance - 3
Bluff - 1
Climb - 0
Concentration - 7
Control Shape - 1
Craft: Alchemy - 14
Craft: Gemcutting - 9
Decipher Script - 11
Diplomacy - -1
Disguise - -1
Escape Artist - 3
Forgery - 4
Gather Information - -1
Heal - 1
Hide - 3
Iaijutsu Focus - -1
Intimidate - -1
Jump - 0
Knowledge: Arcana - 14
Knowledge: Religion - 10
Knowledge: The Planes - 10
Listen - 3
Literacy - 0
Move Silently - 3
Ride - 3
Search - 6
Sense Motive - 3
Speak Language - 1
Spellcraft - 18
Spot - 3
Survival - 1
Swim - 0
Use Rope - 3


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