Daily Meditation makes for a calmer day

Mar 07, 2009 19:32

Everywhere I look lately I see something about daily morning practice and meditation. I've been reading a blog on Blogspot about a Morning Ritual to greet the day and help you feel more relaxed in the morning, sets you off right for a day at work. I've also been reading the book "1001 Ways to Relax" by Mike George, which talks about different ways to relax in the morning, one of which is to open a window in the morning and feel the fresh air, listen to the morning sounds as if it is a special symphony just for you (Jackhammers, Birdsong and all!). And this morning I did do that, I had the window open, I looked out at the morning sunshine, taking a deep breath and enjoying the fresh air. I relaxed for a little while, not thinking of anything I needed to do, just marvelling at the world around me and thinking of the divine in everything we see, the trees, the birds, the rocks, everything. And it just felt special to me, I had this feeling of really being glad to be alive. Quite an unusual feeling for me, but I really liked it!

After this, I collected my bags and set off shopping with my Mum, one of those mundane weekly shopping trips where you go and get the food, on a Saturday, when everyone else is doing the same in the supermarket, not caring about you, just determined to get what they want, no matter how many people they push out of the way. Normally I find this really stressful and dread going in the supermarket on a Saturday. Surprisingly, I was barely affected by this today, some moments niggled me a little, but they were fleeting moments and passed. I didn't dwell on them like I normally do, and they didn't ruin my day. I'm actually feeling relaxed and calm, very unusual for me, and I really like it. I feel good!

I picked up a copy of Spirit & Destiny magazine today, and what did I find upon looking in it this evening? A section on how daily meditation turned someone's life around, helped them get over the ending of a bad relationship, calm them down and stop them biting people's heads off, and set a new career path in motion. All they had to do was commit to daily meditation, 30 minutes a day she did, first thing in the morning, sometimes before bed, and sometimes on a plane journey. Wherever was quiet, and they could sit undisturbed.

All encouraging me to meditate daily, have a calm moment to relax and just be grateful to be alive. I love the relaxed feeling I've had today, not allowing things to stress me. Now I feel like I am in control of how I feel, and it feels great. I hope you're all having a wonderful calm day today, and choosing a relaxing stress-free one. :)

practice, meditation, calm, spirit, &, ritual, daily, peace, destiny

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