Writing meme - Day 5

Aug 06, 2010 19:42

Day 5 - By age, who is your youngest character? Oldest? How about “youngest” and “oldest” in terms of when you created them?

Youngest character - That would be my 'Picture Perfect' 'verse, with baby Sam and wee!Dean. I think I have a fic with Dean about a year old, and Sam's 6 months old or less in a few of 'em.

Oldest character - That's a little harder. I had a character die of old age in one of my original fics, but I didn't really give her an actual age. I'd say about 68 or something. I realize that's not OLD, but it's fantasy, how long do they live there anyway (when they're human)?

Oldest character in terms of creation date - I think that would be... ok, again discounting a couple of fics from 7-8th grades, I'd say that's an original character named Lee Anne.
Wow, I barely remember that story. I wrote it with a fountain pen I bought especially for it, and it kept bleeding all over my fingers. Ahh, youth. And computer illiteracy...

Newest character in terms of creation date - not really a fair question, still I'm always creating characteres, but I'll play along. I'm working on a new fic, and the last character I created there was an old man (hey, is he the oldest? Naaaaah) who owns an ice-cream shop. So that's the newest. For today at least ;)

Interesting questions though. They do make me remember my old stories, how obssessed I used to be with them. Hell, I even wanted to publish some. It's a good thing I didn't really try, cuz they totally suck. They were written by a teenaged girl who hasn't lived that long, and it totally showed in both the writing and the content.

meme, writing

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