Back at uniii

Jan 11, 2011 00:22

 On Saturday I returned to the world of Surrey which was a bit weird to begin with. As during the first 2 weeks of the holidays I missed uni so much and couldn't wait to return. Got to the last week and became a bit oh I quite like not worrying about cooking and cleaning but before I knew it I was packing my bag(s) and off in the car to Gtown! 
Managed to spend £60 in Tesco, £10 on Bulmers and I have no idea what else on, well my cupboard is now full with various tins and stuff! Then after saying goodbye to Mum and Tom it was off to town to get some bits and pieces like a stir fry pan!

After packing and spending a longg time trying to get theatre tickets to see David Tennant and Catherine Tate in May/June for Jack and me but the site kept crashing so gave up to start drinking in the kitchen.
Many hours of drinking games followed and me being the only girl of the 5 of us here: Jordan, Max, Ben and Jack meant I was target for being the one made to drink...annoyingly :P

We had a break of drinking by Jack and me facebook stalking some people and having a catch up of his horrible xmas holidays. His mum told a family friend in front of him how horrific it would be if Jack had a boyfriend and how he doesn't even like men. Felt so sorry for him :( To cheer him up we all went to Channies for a drink and to play on the machine of battlefields and a pub quiz where they were all surprised with my random knowledge :P 
After we got kicked out because of closing time Jack, Jordan, Ben and me were back in the kitchen having a good ol' chat about sexuality and how it shouldn't matter. This carried on till about half 2 were I realised I hadn't made my bed so drunkenly made it!

Sunday afternoon all hell broke loose when Jamie returned with the sound of running and glomping anyone in his sight. Missed his excited ways greatly. Had a messy night in the kitchen for Hayleys 80% absinthe she bought in Spain, I only could handle one shot. Was really hot and not nice at all! Jamie got smashed so ended up taking him to bed for a while as he kept lying in the middle of the corridor. Silly boy!

Excitement and anxiety about houses is building, I've settled on living with Angela, Alex and Hayley but Mor thinks I'm living with her and the boys have a dilemma between choosing Max or Richard! Not good :/


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