sick and whining about it

Oct 15, 2005 14:45

I am sick. Again! This pestilential bug that sweet DD brought home from creche has finally come home to roost. Mr Wol has it too, and DD is not better by a long chalk so I cannot even languish in good conscience. I resisted the virus for ten days or so but the last few days have been spent collecting symptoms like some demented hypochondriac's daydream. My sinuses are producing mucuous like there's a world shortage. I ache all over. When I cough my chest makes a noise like somebody ripping calico and the rest of the time there are what feel like hot barrel hoops round my ribs. At least the tummy trouble end of things appears to have run its course (apologies for the phrasing). I want to be able to breathe, taste food, oh and sleep. I hate being sick!

Looking back at my LJ is realise that friends and neighbours are right. I have spent a huge ammunt of time sick with one bug or another over the spring and summer months. If it goes on much longer I will miss the window on having my flu shot again this year. Growls and mutters!

My mum has a saying "If you think you have the flu then you have a cold. If you think you are dying you have the flu." I don't think I have the flu, yet, based on those criteria, but I am certainly well into the foothills of flu-like-virus country. All of this has led me to spend far more time thinking about avian flu than it probably deserves at this point. Mr Wol, possibly in a similar state, downloaded a bunch of stuff fromt he net about preparing for pandemic and while we have not gone so far as to order tammiflu pills over the net at $4 a pop we have done a stock up on domestic essentials and convalescent supplies on the grounds that they will be useful anyway. Small house though so there is only so much bottled water one can actually store.

cold, whining, flu

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