Awww! teh cute

Mar 15, 2010 12:18

Before you all kill me no I do not have pictures but am trying to get them.

Another mother at the school is doing puppywalking for the Guide Dog people and while I was sick starting bringing the fluffiest little Andrex puppy to school. He is allowed in the yard as part of his training so there is much cooing and aahing over little Trev - 'they give us the name' says the puppywalker in obvious unlove with the choice - and the kids are quite interested too. Thing is little Trev is very, very little and the family walk over a mile into school so to spare his tired little paws puppywalker has a baby sling. One of the hippier ones made of a swathe of fabric. And little fluff is stuffed in there when he doesn't want to walk any more and promptly goes snugly to sleep. It is the single most Aaaaah! thing I may have ever seen. However she is picture shy. Grrrrrrr! So unless I manage to persuade her you will have to use your imgainations.

You can find some images on Google but mostly of the 'rat on a string' style of pooch than a chunky retriever puppy.

I also saw an Irish Wolfhound recently out with the Guide Dog training squad. Bet he didn't get much puppy sling time. Them is BIG dogs.

sling, guide_dogs

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