Dresden rides again

Aug 29, 2009 19:45

I have just finished Small Favour by Jim Butcher. This is the latest in small paperback Harry Dresden story to reach these shores and I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised. I have long felt that the stories were dropping off in quality and in their compelling quality, relying too much on big special effects and playing 'kick-the-wizard' for plot. Also the novels featuring the Denarians and the Knights of the Sword have generally been my least favourite for both plot and doctrinal reasons. So it is no faint praise when I say that this one is the best since Summer Knight. It's got fairies, so that helps. I love the rich, alien lethality of Butcher's fae. It also has a plot that works. Also I like that he seems to have either beefed up Harry or taken a few XP off the Denarians who were always appallingly overpowering villains imho. Not that the Denarians are pushovers in this. Oh boy no! So it's good! and I liked! ... now all I need is James Marsters' soothing voice reading it aloud to me and I'll be happy :)

butcher, review, dresden

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