Baby boy is napping in his bouncy chair (part of my efforts to accustom him to sitting in it as it would make pc work so much easier if he would) and so I can snatch a few moments to blog. Phew!
Dublin was fun but we took it very easy. Baby Boy did not get a full family 'showing' mercifully, not least because so many of those who were present for DD's coming out party are no longer with us. Nonetheless we still accumulated an armload of presents for him to stuff our car with on the return journey, and no small few for DD too. Being a big sister has its compensations. We saw a very few friends and a lot of playgrounds. I did get my sushi fix - must get round to making it again now it is legit once more - and we got to take Baby Boy on his first light rail trip. He was a star for both ong journeys and we didn't have to contend with long stretches with a howling child and no place to pull off the road (Ireland be crap at road design).
On other news:
* - Baby Boy is now in 3-6 month size clothes and growing fast
* - Baby Boy can smile!!!! I mean properly and not just the involuntray grin he always got when falling asleep
* - Baby Boy is still waking up as often in the ngith as ever only nwo is more interested in staying awake when he does - bah!
* - saw bits of Dr Who last night and filled in most of what I missed seeing Confidential on BBC3. So far I would say the scripting and plotting is tighter than last season by several miles. fun, fun fun! and Ardal O'Hanlon too. Radio 4's The Now Show had a good song on it last night about the pain of having to wish Man U. an easy win last night or else the live coverage would mean the BBC would cancel Dr Who. Gah!
* - Am 'eating all round me' as they say int his part of the world. I can see that when breastfeeding is over i will be crawling back to Weightwatchers as heavy as ever if not heavier. Easter was Baaaad and we haven't eaten it all yet.
* - Weather is splendid here and if we ignore worries about drought a pure joy to be out in. We have spent much time in parks and Baby Boy has spent much time in the baby sling. I will really miss that when he gets too heavy.
* - our copy of Steven Brust's Dzur has made its way back to us and i am rereading it but MAN! does it make me hungry. there is a man who missed his calling as a food critic. Given my current appetite I find myself skipping ahead to read the foodie bits at the start of each chapter and the plot can go stuff itself
* - looks like my brother in law and his lovely wife may finally get one claw on the property ladder. The affordable housing scheme lottery spat their name out of the drum and they are in the midst of paperwork to finalise it. The hell of that though is enough to remind me how little I look forward to diving back into the pool of house buying. otoh leaving the maintenance concerns of this place behind would be good. Also would like a bath!
more but Baby Boy awake. Sigh.