Apr 15, 2005 21:17
so now we find ourselves at the end of a very long and lousy day. The anger is still there. But can it really be named anger? At moments...yes. Other times frustration, confusion, bone tired, relentless restlessness. Things done to ease this in times gone by... long nights dancing, drinking, getting into blow-out fights, driving to fast, smoking to much, rough play... don't have the energy or desire for any of it. Must find new ways to deal. It's like you wake up one day and you are back in time emotionally 16 years. Damn this sucks. Things limited to what can be done with only one hand foe a while more. Want to ride a bike. Climb a tree. swim in the ocean - a warm one. Things not to do: Stay in this mind set. To much time alone, no energy for dealing with people. What a spot. Yes I know what thios is, we all do. No need to name it. This to shall pass. It always does. After all, we are old friends, this thing and I.