Mike Gravel is really cute, so that's a result. Dennis Kuchinich? No, I think you must be confusing me with Che Guevara! It's correct that Obama is my favourite of the three mainstream candidates, but that I would probably favour Bill Richardson if he were more viable (and he'd be a great VP), and that I think a Ron Paul presidency would be an interesting experiment, as long as I didn't have to live under it.
75% Mike Gravel
69% Dennis Kucinich
64% Bill Richardson
60% Barack Obama
58% Ron Paul
58% Chris Dodd
57% John Edwards
56% Hillary Clinton
53% Joe Biden
47% John McCain
43% Mike Huckabee
43% Rudy Giuliani
38% Mitt Romney
32% Fred Thompson
31% Tom Tancredo
2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz