Title: Every Purpose Under Heaven Author: sinnerforhire Artist: sammycolt24 Genre: RPS Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Art: PG Word Count: 20,300 Warnings: [Spoiler (click to open)]sexual content, underage (Jared is 19, Jensen is 17), past major character death
Summary: Jared's life is turned upside down when his father, a landscaper, is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Jared uses the skills he developed at his father's side to get a job as a live-in gardener at the Laurel Manor Inn, a Victorian mansion that houses a bed and breakfast. The old manor holds a number of secrets, including a locked, abandonded garden and a mysterious young man names Jensen, whom hasn't left the manor in seventeen years. But as Jared begins to unravel the manor's mysteries, he discovers a tragedy in Jensen's past that changes everything, and he learns that sometimes, letting go is the only way to move forward.
Disclaimer: Inspired by Frances Brunett's, The Secret Garden.
Note: Wow, I seem to have a knack for death fics this year, but hey, these stories were totally worth it.
I just wanted to thank my author for writing such an inspiring story about gardens and new discoveries. It was a pleasure to work with her and so much fun to do the art for the story. Please don't let the warnings turn you away because it is such a wonderful story. I enjoyed the story and I hope you all give it a chance too.
----------SPOILERS----------- the drawing at the end of this post (after the dividers) can be considered a spoiler, so if you want to view it, read the story first.
Click images for larger view. Enjoy!
Banner without title
So I wanted to do something different. I was going to draw this scene, but I thought it would be more fun to do a collage. And I have my backyard to thank for that. I overlaid a bunch of different leaves and vines and branches to get the overgrown look and laid them over a wood panel that I had lying around. Then the keyhole decoration was photoshopped in. That was a pain, but it turned out nice, I think :)
The Laurel Manor Inn
The credit for this image goes to the author, as I asked for a reference to the manor. I wanted to post it to give you an idea what it somewhat looks like. Beautiful, isn't it? I would totally stay here myself.
These are some of the songs that Jensen plays for Jared.
So what I did with these are I had a white bowl filled with water. The flowers floated on the water and I took pictures of them while the shine was shining outside. That's how I got the shadows and i even put my hand over to shade the purple flowers, so I got that pretty cool gray shading.
Goodbye Jensen
Watercolor pencils, Acrylic (gold), Bombay Ink, Staedtler Pen (Reference for silhouette used) So this one I wanted to show Jensen leaving through the archway to heave. Notice the shape of the portal. I really wanted to keep it consistent with the keyhole to the secret garden because Jared and Jensen help each other unlock who they are. I just wanted to represent that in the drawing. Then I wanted to put the swing in because it represented Jensen's childhood.
Despite what happens at the end I hope you are able to enjoy the story. Thank you for stopping by.