Oct 10, 2009 17:59

Sadly, I have discovered and become addicted to It makes me laugh so hard that I almost pee my pants... a lot. I have two papers to write, reading to do, desk hours to work, and I can't seem to motivate myself. Hopefully, after my desk shift, I'll be more motivated to research. We'll see. My iPod works again, I should be getting my new cell phone Monday or Tuesday, and I get to see my dad again before he leaves... hopefully. This week and weekend have been decent, especially after last week and weekend: didn't get my notes back, had to take a makeup test, got sucked into a red clay bog in University Blvd parking lot, and I got stung by a bee. By far, this was the worst weekend I've had in awhile. So this past week and weekend have been pretty good in comparison. I do need to email my placement teacher and my adviser though as well as call Preston to book a Yoga instructor. Craziness, but good craziness.
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