Nov 02, 2008 01:20
I haven't posted a dream on here in quite some time, I guess because my ids and subconsciences or whatevs have lacked in providing substantial content.
So it's 1:21 right now, and earlier this night I fell asleep at, I think, 11ish and I IMMEDIATELY fell into a super realistic dream, and I feel so pitiful right now, but it was SO SCARY! Gah! And I know as soon as I materialize its happenings into writing it won't seem nearly as frightening, but you're just going to have to trust me that, for the first time I think over a year, I've woken up with legitimate heebee jeebees.
It started out kind of spookily - I drove over to Jill's at night to pick something up at her house, and no one was home. I snuck in through the back (this house TOTALLY wasn't Jill's in actuality, but a Dream Jill house that was white and old with peeling paint) and went to the upstairs, where she had this cool sort of attic loft bedroom with lots of furnishings (mostly pillows) and an old TV near the window. So there were a couple friends there whom I chatted up, and then Jill showed up and we decided to bunker down and watch a movie. I fell asleep while watching (yes, in my dream) and decided I need to drive home upon groggily waking up.
Come to find out, Jill's house was on the outskirts of rt 202. I drove along and realized that I needed to pick something up, or get gas, or something, and had to immediately pull over since where I was stopping would be the last place I could stop for a good while. I parked my car (which, in my dream, was a Jeepified version of my Volvo... taller with a hatchback trunk.. same color though) in front of this rickety barn filled with crap and didn't think much of it because I "always parked there" before. I walked further down the road to this run-down, going out of business water park. I have no idea why. But my mind said it was indispensable that I go there, so I climbed up the latter to one of the slides and saw that there was something in the pool at the top that I wanted, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it was. There were these weird watery bodies in the pool, that I don't think we're exactly human and they didn't have faces. They just sort of had human qualities with peachy, slimy skin and did full circular revolutions at a slow pace. Then a worker at the park hotly asked me what I was doing there, and that they were out of season, and I couldn't give him a good reason, so I walked back down the ladder and decided I needed my dad to come meet me so he could help lead me back home.
I'd also like to point out that time had elapsed from night to day, I think, here, but the weather was so eerie! It had that sort of unsettling calm (and, you know, not to mention faceless slimy human figures rotating in out-of-season swimming pools).
So my dad met me (did he walk there?) and we walked from the water park back towards the barn and I looked around and said, "Um.. where's my car?" and my dad slowly gestured for me to turn around. There, I saw that my car was in SHAMBLES. It looked as if a huge fuckin boulder had just fallen on top of it and smooshed the insides. The door to the trunk was gone, revealing what my mind envisioned the innards of my poor car would look like post-accident. This pretty much looked like mechanical, metal intestines and organs, like my car literally had opened wounds. This made me sort of feel an emotional pain for my car and I freaked out, since it was completely totaled.
My dad remained surprisingly calm and called my mom, who showed up in our actual Jeep with Diesel and she was PISSED. We all went inside the barn to talk to the land owners, and they turned out to be these tall, stereotypical farmer dudes with overalls and straw hats. They argued that they did a TV show on the premise and, as we guessed, a huge chunk of rock had accidentally fallen on my car, but since I didn't ask to park to there, they were not liable for the damages. They even handed us a tape of the episode in which you could see in the background the shit falling on my car. We were then given paperwork to sign saying we understood we were liable for the damages and repairs and, of course, I got a paper cut while reading, and this stout woman appeared from nowhere, also in overalls, and handed me a bandaid and made me sign something else that verified I saw a doctor while at the barn.
So we left, angered, but before leaving my dad (and mom, 'cause she's badass) made sure to punch the overall'd dudes. My dad told me my car had been towed to Leominster, so we all drove home in the Jeep.
(I realize this isn't scary yet, but it was a long prelude into the nightmare part.)
We got back to Leominster and I asked Jazz if she saw my car, and she did, and we sat at the table and discussed what to do. My mom insisted we file a lawsuit regardless because we couldn't afford to get another car. I started to cry because I knew it was my fault for parking there in the first place, and so I decided to go out and look at the damage and see if anything in the car could be salvaged (because, of course, my Mac was in there).
I grabbed the keys and, for whatever reason, tried to start the car before looking for my goods. The car started fine, but then took on a mind of its own and started rattling and shaking, and then rolled out of my driveway. I took the wheel and tried to keep it under control but it was useless. I frantically tried to brake and turn the car off, but even after I turned the car off, put it in park and braked, it kept going down the street. No matter what I did, it continued to roll (even after crashing into a telephone pole... seriously?). The car kept moving, and I looked out the rear view mirror and the car had overheated and was now aflame in the back. Like, we're talking, ROARING fire. This happened right as I was about to pass Hillary Street so I tried oh-so-carefully to turn my rubble-on-fire car onto the road and pull over. The car finally slowed down but was now completely and utterly on fire, and I was still in it, therefore catching on fire myself. I jumped out of the front seat (and I was wearing my green UMTG sweatshirt...) and my arm was pretty much engulfed. It was the dead of night at this point and windy, so the wind blew some embers and flames from the car onto the grass in front of this person's lawn, igniting it. So now, I was on fire, my car-turned-to-rubble-with-my-computer-in-it was totally on fire, and the makings of a huuuuuge grass fire were in the works. I started screaming for help, thinking that someone would hear me since there were a ton of cars parked outside the house and all their lights were on. But, as is the trend of nightmares, no one came to my rescue so with one hand, attached to my arm that was on fire, I was trying to prevent the on-fire car from rolling anymore, and with the other, I attempted to call 911 on my cell phone. The dream ended on me, and at this point I was now observing myself do all this as a 3rd person bystander, yelling HELP, and then I awoke.
YIKES!!! This was so unsettling!! I hate hate hate dreams where my car doesn't brake, and this is a common stress-induced dream of mine. However, fire had never been incorporated before, so that was new. And it all seemed so freaking realistic. Oh, my crazy brain.
Okay, well, on that note, I guess I am going to go bed again, and maybe meditate beforehand to get rid of those nasty negative vibes.