So I'm half-packed - still got some ironing to do first. Tickets are paid for, passports are here, and travel insurance is sorted.
kallanna's sorting out the hotel for saturday night, since the flight's too early sunday morning for Rowan, and was planning to get the coach tickets yesterday. Not heard to the contrary, so I'm assuming it's all sorted! Woot! *grin*
Rowan had a great time at Rhoose airport, even if it was absolutely pissing it down with rain the entire time. We saw a couple of planes take off, and one land, and he loved it. Bought him a model Concorde in the gift shop as a treat for being so good - it'll probably come on the plane with us on sunday! lol!
He had to stay home with me on Sunday, as his Nan came down with a stomach bug which she didn't want him to catch, understandably. He was an angel the entire time, I'm glad to say. Put each game away before getting the next one out. I think I lavished too much praise on him that day, 'cause he was saying the exact same things to me last night! *laughs*