career stuff

Feb 27, 2010 19:53

Opportunity knocks.

I will make my 14 (think full professor) in 2011 no problem. I have a good chance of getting my 15 five years (or earlier) after that. All based on scientific accomplishments.

If I apply for and get hired as a research leader, it comes with a 14. I will have trouble making the 15 because science essentially stops except for the minimum unless I... 1) have a supportive cast of scientists, 2) have funding for a postdoc, or 3) directly compete with my scientists and hog the money/resources of the group.

If I wish to pursue a management or administrative career, there is never a better chance to get into the pipeline with four (4!!) RL positions open at my location. The earlier the better to start working my way up. The other course is going the science way and then once I'm a 15 in 10 years, look for management. Of course, I'll be ending my career not starting it. Terminal RL or maybe only a few years as a Director before retirement. I don't think I want to be a 60ish year old administrator when I could potentially reach it in my 50's.

The acting RL position has really sucked these past 6 weeks with stupid people doing stupid things. Did I mention the crazy people? I haven't experienced the "enabling science" part of the job.

The jobs close in April so I have some time to think and plan and dream.


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