Sep 13, 2008 07:19
Thursday I bent over to put my lunch in the fridge and *twinge* so I took the normal precautions - lay down, stretch, yoga, relax. No relief. I went home from work to lie in bed and relax. All crunched up. 1000 mg of ibuprofen. *jerk* *jerk* Lower back charley horse. Extreme pain. No radiant or referral pain in legs. Went to emergency room at 7 am Friday. This was an 8 on the scale of 10, 10 being two years ago when I first had major "cascading muscle failure" and was off work for 6 weeks. At least this time, I could get myself out of bed with suitable groaning and *ahem* relieve myself #1 and #2 (sorry, TMI, but those who suffer from lower back pain will understand). What a difference in standard of care from last time! Two years ago, I came in an ambulance and suffered for 3-4 hours with shots and still had pain/cramping when I finally left at the end of the day (12 hours later). This time, my brother drove me, and within 30 minutes I had an IV and immediate relief. 3 hours later after x-rays and another dose of muscle relaxant & pain killer, I was home in bed. I'm still incredibly cramped up when I stand or sit for any length of time.
The kicker? I'm supposed to go on lecture circuit - 4 hour flight and then 4-5 hours of driving every day for a week. - on Sunday. Hope springs eternal.