In which I have happy plans

Oct 14, 2011 20:40

I felt all self-important at work today. I was shadowed by a Student Nurse who has an interest in palliative care. She came to me and asked if she could come out with me for a day and see what I do. I hope I came across vaguely as a responsible adult who knows what she's doing and understands her role. But hey, look at that, someone wants to learn from ME! It is rare I have grown-up moments such as this. I normally blunder my way along hoping I'm doing everything semi-right. I'm the youngest on my team, the youngest at my base, and pretty much the least experienced and trained of the lot too. It's rare I have something worth listening to. And I'm mostly quite happy about that, because responsibility is SCARY, but it's days such as today I remember that I actually have a scary responsible job anyway, I just tend to block it out. If I think about it too hard I tend to be overcome with OMG EPIC FEAR, FEAR HERE.

Anyway, in other good news, today is a proper Friday for me! I spend most Friday's grumbling that it's all right for 9 to 5ers, some of us work the weekend and therefore have no concept of the Friday Feeling. But I have this weekend off and I plan to use it accordingly. I have a Plan and everything. Tomorrow I'm going to get up, watch Supernatural, and then pick up badforthefish for enjoyable National Trusting times. Then I shall come home, watch Fringe, re-watch Supernatural, play with hammies and have a bath. On Sunday, I intend to lie in, do some knitting, have lunch and then hop over to my parents, where I shall wash Hermoine ready to be viewed by potential buyers, go for a walk with Ty and have Sunday dinner. This is pretty much my idea of the perfect weekend. Content Sam is content.

work, friends: badforthefish

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