Important News Flash

Oct 13, 2011 21:09

Everyone, listen up! I have to impart some startling hamster news to you all.

My latest recruit to the world-dominating hamster army had been so traumatised in a previous life, that 2 months on I'm still struggling with handling. Cassie is just terrified of hands, pure and simple. I've tried every trick in the book, and quite a few I've made up, and I finally am at the point where I managed to do a 'health check' today.

For those of you who don't spend their lives running after tiny rodents, a health check is something I do on all my babies at least once a week. It basically involves checking their claws aren't too long, mussing their fur to check for any scratches or wounds they might have caused themselves, and turning them upside down to check their bellies and teeth. This last one may sound a little cruel, but it is especially important because it means if they do have a problem, they will be used to being handled in this way and a vet visit won't bother them.

So anyway. Cassie remained calm enough in my hands tonight for me to attempt this. And, well, whilst I did have my suspensions based on the shape of the back end, I have confirmed that 'she' is most absolutely a 'he'. Ooops. Cassie himself didn't seem much disturbed by his gender crisis, but I feel very embarrassed that it's taken me two months to discover this. Though like I said, I haven't been able to have a good look at him, and it's impossible to tell without having a good peer at the genitalia, undignified though it is.

So now I'm in a dilemma, name wise. Cassie has been Cassie for two months and it's stuck, so the most obvious thing to do is just shorten it to Cas. The positive of this is that OMG I NAMED A HAMSTER AFTER MY GLORIOUS ANGEL WITHOUT EVEN TRYING, but I would be sad to see the X-Files naming theme come to an end. The other option is to change his name altogether, as I have always wanted a male robo called Walter (it just suits them some how), but ack, it's been so long now and he's kind of used to his name too. The rest of them all know what their names are (Maggie comes when I call her ♥ ) and he is still so fragile, I don't want to rock the boat. Opinions, anyone?

In another news, Happy 1013, Philes! This day gives me a happy happy joy joy every time it rolls around. I am going to clean my kitchen, and then I am going to watch an episode in celebration. Long may you reign, my beautiful show.

x-files is my religion, burton's accidental hamster rescue

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