May 19, 2010 11:56
I am majorly in love with the new Dr and the new Who and everything. I adore it. It's brilliant, it's the best show that Britain has ever created and I want to scream at you all till you just watch it already.
But. BUT BUT BUT. I'm watching Turn Left right now. And whilst I love 11, season 4 does flipfloppy things to my stomach like nothing else. I miss Donna. I miss Ten. I want Donna back without her cop-out lottery ending that Turn Left tells us wasn't her fate, except it was. I miss her being the most important person in the universe. I miss the Season 4 theme. I miss this huge bank of side characters that just aren't there anymore. Jack and Martha and Rose and JACK, I really miss Jack. And Donna, oh Donna, you make me cry so much. I just miss it all. :(
doctor who,
heroine addict