
Jan 01, 2009 19:11

List seventeen random things about yourself, then tag seventeen people to do the same.

Tagged by buildyourwalls. ♥

01. I listen to music constantly (no really, my lastfm currently has 18,600 plays recorded and that's just since August 08), and I tend to fixate on one album at a time until I get sick of it.

02. My first concert was The Backstreet Boys (same as Ryan Ross, which I find highly amusing). I had an unhealthy obsession with that band when I was in the eighth grade. Wow, how I've regressed.

03. I've played classical String Bass for 12 years and I'm in my college's Orchestra.

04. Back in May, I embarrassed myself on MTV in front of every Fueled by Ramen band I care about (minus Fall Out Boy) by participating in a Ramen noodle eating contest. However, I did win a sweet trophy, got Ryan to smile at me, received a Phantom Planet group hug, and got up close and personal with Brendon Urie's ADHD, so it was all good.

05. I hate public speaking with a fiery passion, but I can speak in front of children all day long. They don't judge, okay?

06. I have never smoked a cigarette, but I have smoked... other things.

07. Sometimes, I think I'd be happier living anywhere but here, but I'm more afraid of change than being stuck in VA for the rest of my life.

08. I can kick your ass at Dance Dance Revolution and I'm damn proud of it.

09. College has taught me how to put in the least amount of effort for the best results.

10. There are a lot of people I don't talk to anymore that I wish I still did. I'm a terrible pen-pal and hate using the telephone-- therein lies the problem.

11. I care way too much about what other people think of me.

12. I was born in South Carolina, most of my family is from Cincinnati, but I've lived in northern Virginia since I was two.

13. I'm student teaching third grade next semester and I think I'm probably not as worried as I should be. However, I am terrified of having to look for a real job soon.

14. I'm obsessive compulsive about organizing my gmail, RSS feeds, and bookmarks on but my room is a fucking mess all the time.

15. My mom asked me last night: "Are your boys going to be on any of the New Year's Shows?" Panic are simply referred to as as my boys at home and everyone knows what it means.

16. Sometimes, I think I don't know enough about the things that I like to write about and other times I think I put too much of myself into the things I do write.

17. This list took way longer than it should have to complete, but that isn't surprising.

I'm only going to tag a few people because buildyourwallls already tagged like half of my flist. lol I can't remember who's done this meme already, so sorry for the repeats if there are any...

battleofhydaspe, clever_tongues, iamqueenfal, jadziadrgnrdr, mikikoshikawa, mockturtletale, rock_my_town, selphiebooyaka, shinodarely, unlurkster, unphoenix, tanisafan.

meme, rl, music is my religion

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