
Jul 17, 2008 00:11

Can I do this every single day? Can I please? I'm back from Warped and about to fall over because I'm so tired and my feet hurt and I'm just a little bit sunburned but I would honestly do this everyday. Oh and I accomplished everything on my wish list, including some Beckett eye sex, but more on that later.

REVIEW IS COMING!!! I got some really great pictures and a few videos. I recorded both Gym Class and The Academy's new songs, ANDDDDD...I have Snakes on a Plane on video. Sadly there was no threesome. Gym Class played in the time slot directly after Cobra on a different stage. They always do that to me for some reason. Same thing happened at Bamboozle. But Beckett was there, on stage with Gabe, and that's what I really wanted to see.

I'm off to sleep without checking my flist. If anything awesome happened today, leave me a note! <3

gym class, cobra, academy

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