Bamboozle review: or a Giant Fueled by Ramen Love Fest in Pictures and Video

May 06, 2008 17:00

East Rutherford, New Jersey
Giant's Stadum Lots
Pictures, Commentary, & Video

In order of appearance:

+ Cobra Starship
+ The Academy is
+ We the Kings
+ Brett Michaels!!!
+ Motion City Soundtrack
+ Gym Class Heroes
+ Panic at the Disco

Cobra Starship

This was the first band we had any interest in seeing. Out of all of the bands I’m into, my sister really likes Cobra. It was supposed to rain the entire day, instead it was sunny and hot. Of course I got really sunburned because bringing sunscreen didn’t even occur to me. I was expecting to be muddy and rained on by the end, not sunburned.

Anyway, Cobra was actually really good. Travis came out on stage with them for song off of Viva. The pit wasn’t actually that bad, I was kind of surprised.




Church of Hot Addiction + singing to Nate for his birthday!:

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The Academy Is...

It was inconvenient and kind of random that The Academy is… happened to be playing the minute after cobra finished… on a different stage. We ran over to academy is…, I was the only one in my group that was really interested in seeing them. We were going to stand in the back, but as we were walking over, I just said fuck it and dove into the pit by myself. It was surprisingly easy to get to the front. I ended up about 4 rows back and there were a lot of people over to see them. Beckett cut his hair again! It’s so short. Sisky’s is growing out. I like the length that it is now. Carden’s still hot. Butcher was really tan. I missed them!


The lighting was perfect, so I got some really good pictures! They're probably the best out of all of the bands I took pictures of.


Almost Here:
Beckett gets out to the barrier at the end.

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We the Kings

The pit was insane! Even playing on one of the smaller stages, the pit was still ridiculous. I thought it was going to be the worst out of the bands I wanted to see, but unfortunately it wasn’t, but we’ll get to that.

Brett Michaels

Haha. The only reason we were around for Brett Michaels was because we wanted to get to the front for Panic. He went on around 5. So we figured 4 hours was enough to get to the front. He kept apologizing for having the flu or something, but he was a real man and didn’t cancel. lol.

Motion City Soundtrack

Ugh. This band almost caused me to have a concussion. After Brett, we made it up to about the 3rd row of the main stage, which is pretty impressive if you ask me. I really like their stuff and they did really well last Wednesday when I saw them, but people come on. The crowd surfers were insane. It was hard to concentrate on the band because at any given time security was pulling crowd surfers over the barrier. It was just one after the other. Lots of shoving.

They had a cute kids drum line on stage with them at the beginning.

Gym Class Heroes

The pit was actually relatively calm during gym class. Travis is a really good performer. He engages the audience and plays up on his talent for getting the women. I touched Travis you guys! By this point, I was about 2nd row. He did some crowd surfing with the flag guy and kissed a girl on the cheek next to me and got right in my face. It was amazing. I have video too!


Clothes Off:
Travis tells the crowd to take their clothes off and throw them on the stage. At the very end he gets right in my face over the barrier. I touched Travis! It was pretty awesome.

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Panic at the Disco

Basically the HCT set in it’s entirety. They wore different clothes though. Spencer had his headband. Ryan was wearing his old man jacket. I made it to about 11/2 row. Security was right in my way, so some of the videos were cut weird because of the crowd surfers.

Zack put out a piece of cardboard with little star wars figurines on the side of the stage. My sister asked him what it was for and he said it was Ryan’s good luck charm, whatever that means. I thought it was a cute inside joke that we will probably never know. (EXCEPT I ASKED RYAN ABOUT IT ON TRL AND HE TOLD ME- MORE ON THAT LATER THOUGH....)

I think Brendon got a little excited on stage because he switched part of the words for Northern Downpour. Ryan pointed it out, but recovered, so it was fine.

Zack putting out beers- forgot Brendon’s lime. Brendon called him on it of course.

Brendon and Ryan- the looks. I could see it better from where I was. God, the way Brendon looks at Ryan is just the most precious thing it the world. He adores him.

Girl right behind me: RYAN I MISS YOUR HAIR!
Brendon: *smirks at Ryan*
Ryan: (pretends not to notice any of the above)

Brendon: the thing about a tambourine is that you can play it on any part of your body
Ryan & Jon: ...
Brendon: yeah, head, body,...groin
Jon: anyway...

Brendon proceeds to play tambourine against his head, once against his groin.

I have a million more pics of them on my photobucket. These are some of the better ones.

So I had two cameras, the first one ran out of batteries. So these were taken with a different camera.

looking right at me? y/y?

Shane! I freaked the people out around me in the pit by telling them who he was. I'm a creepy stalker, whatever.

out of 180+ pics. I got one good one of Spencer. yay.

I love this one.

lol. I am singing in these. but the really loud voice is not me. That was the girl next to me.

But it's better if you do:
I can't tell if Brendon kisses Ryan or not at the very beginning. If he didn't it was very close.

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Folkin' Around:
Ryan(at the end): that's the first time Batman and Robin have ever crowd surfed to that song!

There were two dudes dressed up as old school batman and robin at the show. I didn't actually see them crowd surfing, but I saw them walking around the venue. lol.

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Time to dance:
I'm so much closer here than I was for the DC concert. You can probably hear Brendon better in the other one, but this was my favorite video I shot. Waiting in the pit for 5 hours paid off!!!

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Northern Downpour:
I thought I was loosing my mind for a minute... because I was singing and then the words were different. Brendon doesn't forget the words, he just shifts one verse forward. Ryan fixes it though. He was either excited or overwhelmed, idk.

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I'm disappointed that i didn't get to see Phantom Planet or The Hush Sound or The Cab, but they were playing at inconvenient times, so I wasn't able to. Even with the sun burn and the bruises, I would definitely do it again. And I finally met merriberrirocks We had a lot of fun!

NEXT UP: Panic on TRL: My epic review!!!!!!!!!!!!!

more pics on my photobucket here

Leave some ♥!

gym class, cobra, boys in girls jeans, academy, reviews, the disco

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