Jul 10, 2007 19:08
- ads for spas convey pure choice, immanent will, body without history
- Tanith Lee, Don't Bite the Sun, on an economy that runs on emotion -- to pay, you thank profusely; emotional energy runs the system
- Sturgeon as gradual, gentle evolutionist, not catastrophist (oh, but that ignores quite a lot)
- The Puppet Masters, Heinlein's invasion novel, takes place in the summer of 2007
- speaking of, have you seen trailers for the Kidman/Craig Invasion movie? They do a better job than I am Legend of portraying a vampire-overrun world (though that's not the story)
- there's a classic sf cartoon ("Are There Two Sexes, and If So, Which?") of an alien holding the pictures of male/female from the Pioneer plaque and looking at two sf fans, fat and thin, both of indeterminate sex. It's not untrue in parts.
- I was just looking at the Voyager Golden Record, and did you know that the USA was represented by four songs -- Chuck Berry, Louis Armstrong, some Navajo, and Blind Willie Johnson?
- after a session on technofetishism in non-sf TV (CSI, Bones), I had to wonder about the absence of Q in Casino Royale, which takes a traditional role in fetishizing the body. What's next?
- there was also a fun session on narrative hybridization and supplementarity -- novels and games that you read/play to fill in gaps in movies, etc.?
- TV show recommendation: Wonderfalls, Re-Genesis, Life on Mars
- speaking of tv shows, I watched the full run of Pirates of Dark Water, which I've said before is a tv-equivalent of a roleplaying game -- the story of Ren with a crew of unlikely but loyal misfits as they seek 13 treasures to save the world from the demonic Dark Dweller and his curse of Dark Water, as well as avoid the evil Pirate Lord Bloth... Man, why was there never a game for this show? Also, what about the inclusion of ecologic themes in children's tv?