Stargate Universe another great episode

Apr 12, 2010 09:41

Well Friday night I sat down nd anxiously awaited the next Stargate Universe, and I was not disappointed. When I first watched the episode I was torn, I knew why the coup happened and in some ways I agreed with it, but on the other hand how it happened was what bothered me. However when I watched it again already knowing how things were going to play out i could see that this might have been the only way for this to go down.

As much as it pains me to admit it, Wray was right in all civilized communities the military is overseen by civilians, I can see how this might not have applied when they first found themselves on Destiny, there were and still are a lot of unknowns. Having said that having one group or the other in charge is not the right step. I think it should be a joint leadership, civilians and military. I would think the best combination for this would be Rush and Young ... not because I love Rush's character and don't like Wray, but because they are the best people for this. Rush because he knows almost everything that needs to be known about Destiny and what he doesn't know he's figuring out, not to mention intimate details of the aliens following them. Young because he knows what it's going to take to keep things going on the ship, not only on a day to day basis, but when they encounter other species and in those situations when  leader is needed the most.
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