Stargate Universe

Apr 07, 2010 12:01

Last night I watched the most recent installment of Stargate Univierse, and if I was worried about where the series was going before I'm not anymore.

I know first seasons of any show are hard to watch, the characters are still developing the actors are just getting comfortable with each other and the characters they play, not to mention the back stories so we're all up to speed with who everyone is and why they're there. Having said that, this past episode was a great addition to the first season of SGU. It was our first look at the aliens inhabiting the area Destiny is in, as well as the return of one of my favorite actors Robert Carlyle.

Without giving any plot away, or anymore pliot away I will say that I suspect what ever was done to Rush and Chloe on that alien ship is going to play a part in future episodes, I can't wait to find out how.

sgu, stargate, stargate universe

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