Title: Impervious
Author: lab brat
Pairing: sam/jack
Rating: pg
Spoilers: entity, lockdown, gemini
Challenge: WotD #9: impervious: impenetrable; also, not capable of being affected.
notes: eh.. not sure I acheieved what I wanted with this. heh. not 100% sure it actually fits the word either. but anyways.. here tis.
She supposed that it should hurt that he found it so easy to kill her. That there was no hesitation as he pulled the trigger when she was taken over by the entity, and later by Anubis.
That he so readily agreed to destroy her replicated self should have scared her at least a little. He had seemed so insistent. Eager to destory her.
She knew he was trained to be impervious to emotion, to act instinctively, and she knew that was a good thing. But still, she thought that it should hurt somehow.
It bothered her, that it didn’t.