Look folks, this is kinda crap *g*, but I'm dealing with some stuff right now and this was take my mind off RL, so please forgive me :)
TITLE: La Ronde
AUTHOR: A. M. Richardson
SPOILERS: From what I know of: Chimera, Affinity, Threads (which isn't much, so sorry if I've got anything wrong)
PAIRINGS: Sam/Pete Sam/Jack
RATING: PG-13, Ship, *very* mild swearing, there's worse on the show
DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters and places are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment not monetary purposes and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended.
E-MAIL: audrich08 @ aol.com
Challenge response: Seasons
Digging: He watched while she tried to be successful in this new relationship. Pete seemed to be good to her, and that was all he wanted. For now.
Planting: Now she was talking about marriage and 2.4 kids! With him! Wasn't she too old? And WTF was he sat outside her house at 0126 like some damn stalker?
Tending: Okay, this was better. He was now INside her house, being given a hot toddy after she spotted him and demanded he come in before he froze his dick off.
Harvest: Better. Pete = distant memory. She = In. His. Bed.
The End